
what we've been up to

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I got a text from one of my besties the other day, requesting that I send her some new pictures of Jack.  In that way that only besties can, she told me frankly that I'd been far too quiet on the blog for her liking.

a) Besties are awesome.  b) I totally did flake out for a while.  Sorry!  c)  Work has been kicking my ass lately.  But I've been kicking back, so it's fine.

Anyway, Jack's New Big Thing is building tents.  

There was some cardboard, you see.

And then there was a great idea.  

Add some tools, some creative juices, and BAM!  A tent like you've never seen graced our dining room.

It was a cozy place to share stories from our respective busy days as LawDog and Dolphin.

We were both quite tickled with it, as you can see.

So, you know.  Tents rule.

Hope you've been building fun things lately, too.

Talk soon,


  1. Ooh, forts are cool. Even cooler when mom helps build them AND plays in them with you! Super cool parents!!

  2. Ooh! Next it'll be a Transmagorifier!

  3. Love these photos of you and Jack! Complete happiness.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

what we've been up to

I got a text from one of my besties the other day, requesting that I send her some new pictures of Jack.  In that way that only besties can, she told me frankly that I'd been far too quiet on the blog for her liking.

a) Besties are awesome.  b) I totally did flake out for a while.  Sorry!  c)  Work has been kicking my ass lately.  But I've been kicking back, so it's fine.

Anyway, Jack's New Big Thing is building tents.  

There was some cardboard, you see.

And then there was a great idea.  

Add some tools, some creative juices, and BAM!  A tent like you've never seen graced our dining room.

It was a cozy place to share stories from our respective busy days as LawDog and Dolphin.

We were both quite tickled with it, as you can see.

So, you know.  Tents rule.

Hope you've been building fun things lately, too.

Talk soon,
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