After Jack and I got home from our second trip to the pediatrician last week, he was cranky and fussy. Hey, if I'd been to the doctor twice in one week and wanted a nap, I'd be cranky and fussy, too! I decided to listen to my maternal instinct and cuddle the little dude for a while.
However, being a Type A attorney on her second sick day in one week shortly after maternity leave, I had a variety of things I wanted to do around the house. Is there a way, I wondered, to do things while cuddling the little dude? Enter, Moby wrap.
The Moby wrap, for the uninitiated, is about ten feet of jersey fabric that comes with an instruction manual. You tie the fabric around your body in a way that creates numerous possibilities for how to tuck your baby into it and "wear" them. I had tried it when Jack was a newborn, but he didn't like it. Now that he is a seasoned professional at almost 4 months old, I decided to try it again.
Jack loved it. We bopped around the house, doing things, for about an hour, at which point, Jack fell asleep. He then snoozed on my chest for another two hours. I totally and completely loved every second of it:
(Despite the way this photo makes it look, I have a tank top on. I'm just sayin'.)
Hope this finds you well,