
we've apparently lost our minds

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This just happened.

I will now attempt to answer what I imagine your questions to be.

1.  Did you just give Jack a set of drums? 
     Yes.  You are very observant.
2.  Like, at your house?  
3.  Like, six weeks before Christmas?  
Um, yes.  We purchased them as a Christmas gift, initially.  However, the Davies family is genetically incapable of holding onto gifts for very long.  This ailment is apparently contagious, because it was Durel's idea to give the drums early.
4.  Aren't they loud?  
Yes, they are.  Particularly because four year old drummers don't have a lot of, shall we say, percussive nuance.  He just beats the shit out of those things.  Which means that yes, it is quite loud.
Yes, we do.  We have the coolest baby on the planet, and the drums don't bother him.  Even when he's in bed.
6.  Oh, Jack's room is far away from Sawyer's room?  
No.  They share a wall.
7.  Have you lost your minds?  
8.  What on earth are you thinking?
Drums are fun.  Childhood is far too fast, and you only get to do it once.

9.  Can your friends come over and play these drums?
Yes. You should bring wine.
10.  So, is it possible that you guys aren't crazy after all?
I knew I liked you.  Don't forget the wine.
Hope you carpe the hell out of that diem.

Talk soon,


  1. I'm learning kids songs on the guitar. Right now I only have Row Row Row Your Boat and the Itsy Bitsy Spider in my repertoire, but it is growing by the day. One day we shall jam.

  2. We have a set also. It is awesome. And yes, childhood goes by fast so we are also carpeing the hell out of our diem.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

we've apparently lost our minds

This just happened.

I will now attempt to answer what I imagine your questions to be.

1.  Did you just give Jack a set of drums? 
     Yes.  You are very observant.
2.  Like, at your house?  
3.  Like, six weeks before Christmas?  
Um, yes.  We purchased them as a Christmas gift, initially.  However, the Davies family is genetically incapable of holding onto gifts for very long.  This ailment is apparently contagious, because it was Durel's idea to give the drums early.
4.  Aren't they loud?  
Yes, they are.  Particularly because four year old drummers don't have a lot of, shall we say, percussive nuance.  He just beats the shit out of those things.  Which means that yes, it is quite loud.
Yes, we do.  We have the coolest baby on the planet, and the drums don't bother him.  Even when he's in bed.
6.  Oh, Jack's room is far away from Sawyer's room?  
No.  They share a wall.
7.  Have you lost your minds?  
8.  What on earth are you thinking?
Drums are fun.  Childhood is far too fast, and you only get to do it once.

9.  Can your friends come over and play these drums?
Yes. You should bring wine.
10.  So, is it possible that you guys aren't crazy after all?
I knew I liked you.  Don't forget the wine.
Hope you carpe the hell out of that diem.

Talk soon,
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