
hanging out

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

When Jack says "hang out," he pronounces it with a hard "G."

So, Jack doesn't hang out.  He hanGs out.

I guess Jack sees Durel and I enough that time spent with us doesn't qualify as "hanGing out."  However,  it's quite the opposite with Aunt Kiki and Uncle Dagwood.


I hope you get to spend some time hanging out (hard G or not) with someone you totally dig today.

Talk soon,

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

hanging out

When Jack says "hang out," he pronounces it with a hard "G."

So, Jack doesn't hang out.  He hanGs out.

I guess Jack sees Durel and I enough that time spent with us doesn't qualify as "hanGing out."  However,  it's quite the opposite with Aunt Kiki and Uncle Dagwood.


I hope you get to spend some time hanging out (hard G or not) with someone you totally dig today.

Talk soon,
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