Yesterday was a doozy.
Morning traffic was a beast. The work day was intense. I left early (despite my ghastly to do list) for my biannual skin check. (More on skin cancer later, but suffice it to say, I'm a melanoma survivor. Get your skin checked.)
Work calls after the doctor. Picture me at a crowded Starbucks, with a finger jammed in one ear, phone pressed tight to the other ear, trying my best to hear my the voices on the other end of the line.
So, at said Starbucks, work call finished and iced coffee in hand, with a critical eye on my watch (T minus time to pick up J from school), I made an executive decision.
It's time for a pedicure.
I didn't even *start* to relax until about halfway through. I had to put my phone down (including work emails) because the battery was almost dead. That was good. Then, I had to read Vogue. I had to get the paraffin wax treatment. (It's the best.)
I keep a pair of flip flops in my car for dire situations like emergency pedicures and uncomfortable heels. If I had been thinking ahead, I would have brought them with me into the nail salon. I did not think ahead, and I had worn Toms yesterday.
No problem, right? You can walk to your car in the foam flippers that they give you after a pedicure.
True. You can. And you know what else you can do?
You can walk from the nail salon to the liquor store next door to buy a nice bottle of Pinot Noir in your foam flippers, and then walk from there to the car after.
Did I do that? Yes, I did.
Was I embarrassed? Not even a little. I had a problem (sad toes, bad day) and I was fixing it. I was multi-tasking. And you know, divine providence would not have put that nail salon next to that liquor store unless it was just meant to be.
OK, maybe that's taking it a little far. But by the time I got home and D and I decompressed about our days with a glass of wine, the headache had subsided and my toes looked great.
So, if necessity used to be the mother of invention, I think that necessity is actually the working mother of a three year old.
Hope you find a creative solution today.
Talk soon,