
what's cool, yo

Friday, June 14, 2013

Before I had Jack, I had no clue how to keep up with other people's children.  As in, how old they were, what that meant they were doing developmentally (Oh, she's 2?  Is she driving yet?), or what toys were cool.

So, courtesy of our lovely friend and photographer, Betsy, here's a little insight into what's cool in Jack's world these days.  (She took some amazing pictures of us recently.  This is a teaser.  Stay tuned.)

This net.  Thanks, Jazmin!

Legos.  Thanks, Uncle Dustin and Aunt Geri!

Sweeping.  I have myself to thank for this little miracle.

Staring into space and odd moments of shyness.
I hope you feel fulfilled by your hobbies today.

Talk soon,


  1. I believe this picture of Jack sweeping is the most I've ever seen of your "new" house!

    I wonder if these boys of our still would remember and recognize each other? I believe we need a playdate, ASAP, while I am out of school for the summer!

  2. I can't get over Jack sweeping. I'mma need to see more of this photo shoot. And also more of your house and your son IN PERSON YO.


Friday, June 14, 2013

what's cool, yo

Before I had Jack, I had no clue how to keep up with other people's children.  As in, how old they were, what that meant they were doing developmentally (Oh, she's 2?  Is she driving yet?), or what toys were cool.

So, courtesy of our lovely friend and photographer, Betsy, here's a little insight into what's cool in Jack's world these days.  (She took some amazing pictures of us recently.  This is a teaser.  Stay tuned.)

This net.  Thanks, Jazmin!

Legos.  Thanks, Uncle Dustin and Aunt Geri!

Sweeping.  I have myself to thank for this little miracle.

Staring into space and odd moments of shyness.
I hope you feel fulfilled by your hobbies today.

Talk soon,
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