

Monday, February 25, 2013

I never, ever, ever thought I would be a Texan when I grew up.

I am from Maryland and am an East Coast girl, through and through.  The City is New York.  The highway is I-95.  The time zone is Eastern.  Smiling at strangers is, shall we say, unusual.  Doing a U-turn in the middle of a busy street for a parking space (parallel, obvi) is not.

I moved to California in 1999.  I lived in San Francisco for several years and found myself loving it.  I didn't love the cost of living, though.  If anyone knows how to sustain a healthy lifestyle in San Francisco without a money tree, good for them.   I didn't, so I moved on.  (I refer to it as my quarter-life crisis, which not only dates me but makes me smile because it sounds so damn indulgent and naive.)

I moved on to Austin and, (very) long story (necessarily) short, met Durel.  We both knew pretty quickly that "us" and "us in Austin" was meant to be.  With a brief educational hiatus to DC for a few years, we came back to Austin in 2005 and haven't looked back.

In 2010, Jack came.  He is a Texan because he was born here.  

And then, just when I least expect it, I realize that this is my family, right here in Austin, loving every minute of it.

Boots and all.

Hope your day has some super awesome footwear in it.

Talk soon,


Friday, February 15, 2013

Life has been good.

Hope yours is, too.

Talk soon,


At Jack's first daycare, I hung in a Mom Posse. 

There is nothing to bond you together like new motherhood, mmmkay?  And we banded together, like whoa.  At some point once we realized we all liked each other and our babies, we started planning "theme days" at daycare.  Plaid shirt day.  Team day.  Dress up day.

And of course, there were parties.  Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day.

We would descend on daycare on our lunch breaks, catch up, hold our babies, and take pictures like tourists at Stonehenge.

It was awesome.  I was adjusting to being a working mom of a baby and filled with joy.  And, of course, I couldn't imagine Jack being any bigger than he was at just that moment.

I think this was Dress Up Day, if I remember correctly.

Flash forward to yesterday and the Valentine's Day party at Jack's (new) school, which we both love and adore.  No posses yet, but never say never.  I may not have given up the life.

And I'm still there, taking pictures like, "Look kids!  It's Big Ben!"

Note:  Quite a feast.  It was demolished.

And Jack is clearly going on 3, going on 15.  And I'm still a little disheveled and filled with joy.

Hope you are filled with joy (and cupcakes) today.

Talk soon,

hipster love

Thursday, February 14, 2013

True to his Austin roots, Jack opted for a non-traditional Valentine this year.

As Aunt Jess aptly pointed out, all he needs is corduroys and Toms and he's good to go.

Hope your Valentine's Day is so hip that it has chevron stripes, ironic glasses, and warm fuzzies in it.

Talk soon,


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rodin may have started it.

Image credit, from the great city of Philadelphia

But my guys are well on their way to perfecting it.

Hope you have some cool things to think about today.

Talk soon,

jack and luke

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Durel and Bryan have been friends since high school.  They have lots of stories to tell about one another.  I am not at liberty to discuss any of them here.

Amy and I have been friends since 2001, when Durel and I were dating and traveled to New Orleans for a visit.  

I just completely freaked myself out that I met Amy 12 years ago.

Anyway, 12 years ago, we were young.  We went out in the French Quarter and drank hurricanes and stayed up too late and took cabs and loved life.

Now, we drive SUV's and talk about potty training and time-outs and the health benefits (?) of Z Bars because ohmygosh the kids love them.  And we discuss whether we should save our pennies to buy a beach house together in several years.  We want our kids to be cousins, in that way that you have cousins that you're not related to.

We want this because when we are all together, we have moments like this:

Bryan, thanks for pulling the wagon and driving to Austin to visit.  Amy, thanks for being my twin sister.  Let's keep talking about that beach house.

Hope you have a laugh with a friend today.

Talk soon,


Monday, February 11, 2013

I really like my job, even when it doesn't send me to Atlanta for three nights in a hotel to attend a conference on a topic that I care about deeply.

When it does, I like it even more. 

The trip flew by.  There was much more to discuss at the conference and much more of Atlanta to see.  But, I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had, on both counts, before flying back to my guys.

A quick overview, collage-style:  (If you follow me on Instagram this is Old News.)

From top left:  (1) Yes, I really got A 01.  It was awesome.  (2) Amazing cheese course at Restaurant Eugene.  (3) Amazing pork belly and braised winter vegetables, also at Restaurant Eugene.  (4) Tornado weather obscuring my view of Coca Cola Park.  (5) Me, at the High Museum.  (6) Atlanta Symphony Hall.  (7)  Yup, the High Museum.  (8)  A work of art that really spoke to me.  (9) The amazing Lichtenstein house outside the museum.  So. Totally. Cool.
What did I learn (or remember)?  MARTA works.  The High Museum rocks.  I love art.  Atlanta is big.  The drivers there are better than the drivers in Austin (not saying much).  Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  

I hope something makes your heart fond today.

Talk soon,

daddy story day

Friday, February 8, 2013

Today, Jack's school had a "daddy story day."  Fathers were encouraged to sign up for a time to come and read a story to the class.

Durel, of course, was on it.  As I knew he would be, because he's awesome like that.

From Durel's storytime visit came this photo.  He won't like me sharing it, but it's too rich not to.

Feast your eyes on the awesomeness.

D's yellow shirt is courtesy of Microsoft, creators of Windows 8 and brightly colored garb.
I am pleased to see that Jack's classmates were comfortable enough to achieve full lounging position during his book, and also that some of them were completely entranced.

I find him pretty fascinating, too.

Hope you get some quality storytime in today.

Talk soon,


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jack will be three years old next month.

Mostly, I know that's super amazingly awesome.  He is a wonder these days, full of jokes and new words and demands and hugs and giggles and thoughtfulness.  He's thoughtful, this boy.

In all honesty though, a little piece of me is scared and sad that he's turning three.  It's too fast, world.  You are moving far too fast.  It's flying.

That's it, isn't it?  The flying?  The vertigo of the sands in the hourglass?
Oh, you've gotten so big!  How times flies!  
I can't believe it's [insert month] already!  This year is flying.
We've all heard it. Everyone says it.  And now, I say it, too.

I don't miss the acid reflux.  Or the blow outs.  Or the sleep deprivation.  Or the cost of formula and diapers for a little, wordless tyrant of our hearts who consumed those things like a boss.

Maybe I do, a little.

When I think about this age, I will remember the day that we went to the Central Market playground and had a smoothie.  It was hot, and Jack didn't feel good.  We went to the pediatrician and he clearly felt better.  I decided against going home because there was time to play.  Despite the gajillion things I *needed* to do at home, I *decided* not to let the day fly by.  Nope.  Not when there was time to play.

I hope you have time to play today.

Talk soon,

dear joe

Dear Coffee:

I broke up with you ten days ago.  I needed a clean break.  Sure, it hurt.  And I still get a twinge sometimes, of missing you.

I relied on you too much.  And without you, I am free to be me. 

Sleep is better.  I have more energy in the morning.  I drink more water.  I also drink tea.  

Tea is delicious.  Did you know?

When you were good to me, we were a match made in heaven.  When you were bad to me, it was jittery heartburn and not nice at all.

I said I would never break up with you.  And when I said it, I meant it.  But, you know, people change.  They grow.  

If you want to know if I'm seeing someone else now, I guess I am.  His name is Earl Grey.  But you know what?  He lets me be who I am.  And we're not exclusive.  I am not looking to get serious anytime soon.

I know you'll find someone else.  Take care.


Earl Grey and I, having a lovely time
Note:  I did stop drinking coffee ten days ago.  I'm still shocked by it, myself.  But it is really nice. FYI.

sure shot

Monday, February 4, 2013

As a ginormous Beastie Boys fan and, well, a mom, this has to be shared.  Right away.

Sesame Street vs Beastie Boys - Sure Shot mashup (whole song) from Chester Fielder on Vimeo.

That's all.

Hope you're that kid in the corner today.

Talk soon,

Monday, February 25, 2013


I never, ever, ever thought I would be a Texan when I grew up.

I am from Maryland and am an East Coast girl, through and through.  The City is New York.  The highway is I-95.  The time zone is Eastern.  Smiling at strangers is, shall we say, unusual.  Doing a U-turn in the middle of a busy street for a parking space (parallel, obvi) is not.

I moved to California in 1999.  I lived in San Francisco for several years and found myself loving it.  I didn't love the cost of living, though.  If anyone knows how to sustain a healthy lifestyle in San Francisco without a money tree, good for them.   I didn't, so I moved on.  (I refer to it as my quarter-life crisis, which not only dates me but makes me smile because it sounds so damn indulgent and naive.)

I moved on to Austin and, (very) long story (necessarily) short, met Durel.  We both knew pretty quickly that "us" and "us in Austin" was meant to be.  With a brief educational hiatus to DC for a few years, we came back to Austin in 2005 and haven't looked back.

In 2010, Jack came.  He is a Texan because he was born here.  

And then, just when I least expect it, I realize that this is my family, right here in Austin, loving every minute of it.

Boots and all.

Hope your day has some super awesome footwear in it.

Talk soon,

Friday, February 15, 2013


Life has been good.

Hope yours is, too.

Talk soon,


At Jack's first daycare, I hung in a Mom Posse. 

There is nothing to bond you together like new motherhood, mmmkay?  And we banded together, like whoa.  At some point once we realized we all liked each other and our babies, we started planning "theme days" at daycare.  Plaid shirt day.  Team day.  Dress up day.

And of course, there were parties.  Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day.

We would descend on daycare on our lunch breaks, catch up, hold our babies, and take pictures like tourists at Stonehenge.

It was awesome.  I was adjusting to being a working mom of a baby and filled with joy.  And, of course, I couldn't imagine Jack being any bigger than he was at just that moment.

I think this was Dress Up Day, if I remember correctly.

Flash forward to yesterday and the Valentine's Day party at Jack's (new) school, which we both love and adore.  No posses yet, but never say never.  I may not have given up the life.

And I'm still there, taking pictures like, "Look kids!  It's Big Ben!"

Note:  Quite a feast.  It was demolished.

And Jack is clearly going on 3, going on 15.  And I'm still a little disheveled and filled with joy.

Hope you are filled with joy (and cupcakes) today.

Talk soon,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

hipster love

True to his Austin roots, Jack opted for a non-traditional Valentine this year.

As Aunt Jess aptly pointed out, all he needs is corduroys and Toms and he's good to go.

Hope your Valentine's Day is so hip that it has chevron stripes, ironic glasses, and warm fuzzies in it.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Rodin may have started it.

Image credit, from the great city of Philadelphia

But my guys are well on their way to perfecting it.

Hope you have some cool things to think about today.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

jack and luke

Durel and Bryan have been friends since high school.  They have lots of stories to tell about one another.  I am not at liberty to discuss any of them here.

Amy and I have been friends since 2001, when Durel and I were dating and traveled to New Orleans for a visit.  

I just completely freaked myself out that I met Amy 12 years ago.

Anyway, 12 years ago, we were young.  We went out in the French Quarter and drank hurricanes and stayed up too late and took cabs and loved life.

Now, we drive SUV's and talk about potty training and time-outs and the health benefits (?) of Z Bars because ohmygosh the kids love them.  And we discuss whether we should save our pennies to buy a beach house together in several years.  We want our kids to be cousins, in that way that you have cousins that you're not related to.

We want this because when we are all together, we have moments like this:

Bryan, thanks for pulling the wagon and driving to Austin to visit.  Amy, thanks for being my twin sister.  Let's keep talking about that beach house.

Hope you have a laugh with a friend today.

Talk soon,

Monday, February 11, 2013


I really like my job, even when it doesn't send me to Atlanta for three nights in a hotel to attend a conference on a topic that I care about deeply.

When it does, I like it even more. 

The trip flew by.  There was much more to discuss at the conference and much more of Atlanta to see.  But, I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had, on both counts, before flying back to my guys.

A quick overview, collage-style:  (If you follow me on Instagram this is Old News.)

From top left:  (1) Yes, I really got A 01.  It was awesome.  (2) Amazing cheese course at Restaurant Eugene.  (3) Amazing pork belly and braised winter vegetables, also at Restaurant Eugene.  (4) Tornado weather obscuring my view of Coca Cola Park.  (5) Me, at the High Museum.  (6) Atlanta Symphony Hall.  (7)  Yup, the High Museum.  (8)  A work of art that really spoke to me.  (9) The amazing Lichtenstein house outside the museum.  So. Totally. Cool.
What did I learn (or remember)?  MARTA works.  The High Museum rocks.  I love art.  Atlanta is big.  The drivers there are better than the drivers in Austin (not saying much).  Absence does make the heart grow fonder.  

I hope something makes your heart fond today.

Talk soon,

Friday, February 8, 2013

daddy story day

Today, Jack's school had a "daddy story day."  Fathers were encouraged to sign up for a time to come and read a story to the class.

Durel, of course, was on it.  As I knew he would be, because he's awesome like that.

From Durel's storytime visit came this photo.  He won't like me sharing it, but it's too rich not to.

Feast your eyes on the awesomeness.

D's yellow shirt is courtesy of Microsoft, creators of Windows 8 and brightly colored garb.
I am pleased to see that Jack's classmates were comfortable enough to achieve full lounging position during his book, and also that some of them were completely entranced.

I find him pretty fascinating, too.

Hope you get some quality storytime in today.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Jack will be three years old next month.

Mostly, I know that's super amazingly awesome.  He is a wonder these days, full of jokes and new words and demands and hugs and giggles and thoughtfulness.  He's thoughtful, this boy.

In all honesty though, a little piece of me is scared and sad that he's turning three.  It's too fast, world.  You are moving far too fast.  It's flying.

That's it, isn't it?  The flying?  The vertigo of the sands in the hourglass?
Oh, you've gotten so big!  How times flies!  
I can't believe it's [insert month] already!  This year is flying.
We've all heard it. Everyone says it.  And now, I say it, too.

I don't miss the acid reflux.  Or the blow outs.  Or the sleep deprivation.  Or the cost of formula and diapers for a little, wordless tyrant of our hearts who consumed those things like a boss.

Maybe I do, a little.

When I think about this age, I will remember the day that we went to the Central Market playground and had a smoothie.  It was hot, and Jack didn't feel good.  We went to the pediatrician and he clearly felt better.  I decided against going home because there was time to play.  Despite the gajillion things I *needed* to do at home, I *decided* not to let the day fly by.  Nope.  Not when there was time to play.

I hope you have time to play today.

Talk soon,

dear joe

Dear Coffee:

I broke up with you ten days ago.  I needed a clean break.  Sure, it hurt.  And I still get a twinge sometimes, of missing you.

I relied on you too much.  And without you, I am free to be me. 

Sleep is better.  I have more energy in the morning.  I drink more water.  I also drink tea.  

Tea is delicious.  Did you know?

When you were good to me, we were a match made in heaven.  When you were bad to me, it was jittery heartburn and not nice at all.

I said I would never break up with you.  And when I said it, I meant it.  But, you know, people change.  They grow.  

If you want to know if I'm seeing someone else now, I guess I am.  His name is Earl Grey.  But you know what?  He lets me be who I am.  And we're not exclusive.  I am not looking to get serious anytime soon.

I know you'll find someone else.  Take care.


Earl Grey and I, having a lovely time
Note:  I did stop drinking coffee ten days ago.  I'm still shocked by it, myself.  But it is really nice. FYI.

Monday, February 4, 2013

sure shot

As a ginormous Beastie Boys fan and, well, a mom, this has to be shared.  Right away.

Sesame Street vs Beastie Boys - Sure Shot mashup (whole song) from Chester Fielder on Vimeo.

That's all.

Hope you're that kid in the corner today.

Talk soon,
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