

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Friends are the best thing ever, you know?

Jack and his buddy, Gabe, know that.  The other afternoon, they shared some dude time, some sliding, and some snacks together.

Hey, Jack, you've gotta try this.

Yeah, but I don't want to put down my ball.

Concentration, Part 1

Concentration, Part 2

I agree, Jack.  Friends make me feel happy inside, too.

Here's hoping your day had some great friendship moments in it.  Mine sure did.

And here's to infectious grins,


  1. Hurrah for friends! And slides! And sports played with balls. (Man, he looks like a Davies in the last pix!)

  2. Have I mentioned how much I would like for Ike and Jack to be friends?

  3. That last picture is a sneak peak into the future! wow, I think he's gonna be a a hottie! lol Hold on! ;)

    1. Mom's been saying it since he was born. "The girls will be hiding in the bushes to get a peek at Jack!"

  4. Aw, how fun! Eli and I want to come along for the next park playdate!

  5. Look at that big boy going down the slide! Fun!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Friends are the best thing ever, you know?

Jack and his buddy, Gabe, know that.  The other afternoon, they shared some dude time, some sliding, and some snacks together.

Hey, Jack, you've gotta try this.

Yeah, but I don't want to put down my ball.

Concentration, Part 1

Concentration, Part 2

I agree, Jack.  Friends make me feel happy inside, too.

Here's hoping your day had some great friendship moments in it.  Mine sure did.

And here's to infectious grins,
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