
High Chair

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sometimes, when Jack goes to bed, Durel and I miss him.  We inevitably end up picking up our phones and scrolling through our pictures of him.  Our comments usually include the standards:  "Isn't he cute?"  "Ooh, did you see this one?"  and, of course, "What is he eating there?"

I've noticed that I take beaucoup de pictures of the Little Dude while he's eating.  I think that's partly because he is not walking around the house like a little crusader when he is safely in the high chair.  I think it's also because I think watching him eat is adorable.  He has an adventurous palette and a healthy appetite.

To wit, here's a sampling of the pics that are on my phone.  That is, the ones that I haven't shared already (i.e., the Nutella series).

He's my son, through and through.  Cheese eater and all.

Of course, cheese and carbs go together well.  Pshaw.
Green beans rock.  Heck yeah.

Cheerios and banana, breakfast of champions.
Is it just me, or is that really cute in a series like that?  Yeah, he's got me wrapped around his little finger.  Why do you ask?

Remember to eat your cheese,


Sunday, May 22, 2011

To say that Jack and Lucy have a special bond is an understatement.  Lucy has, from day one, accompanied me up the stairs to the nursery for every diaper change, wakeup call, or attempt to soothe.  She licks Jack's face at every chance.  She hangs out underneath the high chair during meal and snack times (she's not dumb).  She is determined to care for him as she cares for us, with her very best doggie affection.  She also doesn't mind standing in as a pillow from time to time.

Jack says four words:  Mama, Dada, Hi, and Doggie.  You can guess why.

Hope this weekend finds your tail wagging happily.


Friday, May 20, 2011

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week at Jack's school.  His current teachers are destined for sainthood.  Under their watch, twelve toddlers eat meals while calmly seated around a table; take two hour naps on cots on the floor; play nicely with one another (for the most part); and learn all the while.

In honor of Miss Mary and Miss Shannon, the resident miracle workers, I have to share the fruits of their labor.  I know that I'm partial to, uh, everything that Jack does, but seriously.  Check this out. 

Jack had just arrived at school.  He's checking in on the right.

Gabe says that Rice Krispies are yummy.

Jack contemplates this.

And decides that he agrees.
In honor of great teachers everywhere, especially those that change lots of diapers.  We appreciate you!

Hope your weekend is full of snap, crackle, and pop.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

As someone who was born and bred on the East Coast and educated in New England, I don't normally toss around the religious talk.  Any good New Englander will happily discuss the merits of corduroy versus khaki before they will drop religion into a conversation.  In fact, any good New Englander will happily discuss the merits of Tom Brady with short versus long hair before they will discuss religion.  Tom Brady is much less important, but much less personal and dogmatic and therefore, better to discuss.

On the other hand, in Texas it is pretty common for people to bandy about words like "blessed."  People openly discuss what churches they attend, and religion is not something shrouded in corduroy (or khaki, if you prefer), but rather, open and out there for anyone and everyone to discuss and enjoy.

To be honest, it took a little getting used to for me.  I've come to the conclusion that it was well worth the effort.  You know what?  I am cool with people telling me to "have a blessed day."  I'm glad they want me to have one.  I'd like to have one, too.

I have a lot more of them now.

So, you know, wherever you're from, I hope your day is full of the awesome.


Monday, May 16, 2011

This weekend, Jack was On The Move.  He can now officially walk.  He realized at some point last week that walking enabled him to move quickly, grab things that were previously out of his reach, and carry a sippy cup while moving from place to place.  In short, he realized that walking is for the win.  Our home may never be the same.

He also displayed a penchant for playing possum.  While I was cooking yesterday afternoon (homemade cauliflower soup, even; healthy and delicious!), Jack "pretended" to be napping on the kitchen floor.  

Standard Napping Position:  On stomach; thumb in mouth.

When he realized I was watching him, he filled me in on the joke.

I'm not really napping, Mom!  Gotcha!
I hope your week is filled with "surprises" as cute as this one.  And no real possums.


Beep Beep

Friday, May 13, 2011

I posted this yesterday, but Blogger had a bad day and the post went bye bye.

Suffice it to say that we are in love with this collage of photos taken by our pal, Betsy.

He's on the go, ladies!  Watch out!

And beep beep to you, too,

A Mommy Pledge

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm "borrowing" this from my awesome momma blogger friend over at JourneyChic.  It so perfectly sums up the job of a mother, that I had to share:

I will pick you up when you fall down.
I will wipe the tears from your eyes and the poo from your bottom.
I will read you stories again, and again, and again.
I will bounce you and sing to you even when my back hurts and my throat is sore.
I will comfort you when you wake at all hours, for whatever reason.
I will pick your nose until you can do it yourself (and then promptly teach you to use a tissue).
I will put a smile on my face the moment I see you after bad day at work, because my smile makes you smile, and your smile turns mine into a genuine one.
I will sing, dance, and make ridiculous faces just to please you.
I will hug you and kiss your perfect, chubby cheeks until you push me away.
I will teach you everything I know. Sometimes, I will let you fail so you can teach yourself.
I will always be there for you when you need me, no matter how old you are.
I will love you no matter who you become, what you do, or who you love.
I will be a better person because you gave me life, as much as I gave it to you.
I will not be perfect, but I will do the best that I can.
I will always be your mommy, and you will always be my baby boy.

Be still, my heart.  Hope this finds you well.

Happy Mothers Day from Jack

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jack says:  Moms rock because they take you to Randalls with them.  When they stop to get a coffee at the Starbucks inside the store, they get you a petite vanilla scone to eat.  Then, when you get thirsty, they get you a water in a fun Starbucks cup with a green straw!  So, then I learned how to drink through a straw.

Anyway, that's why moms rock.

Happy Mothers' Day to all the mamas.

Monday, May 23, 2011

High Chair

Sometimes, when Jack goes to bed, Durel and I miss him.  We inevitably end up picking up our phones and scrolling through our pictures of him.  Our comments usually include the standards:  "Isn't he cute?"  "Ooh, did you see this one?"  and, of course, "What is he eating there?"

I've noticed that I take beaucoup de pictures of the Little Dude while he's eating.  I think that's partly because he is not walking around the house like a little crusader when he is safely in the high chair.  I think it's also because I think watching him eat is adorable.  He has an adventurous palette and a healthy appetite.

To wit, here's a sampling of the pics that are on my phone.  That is, the ones that I haven't shared already (i.e., the Nutella series).

He's my son, through and through.  Cheese eater and all.

Of course, cheese and carbs go together well.  Pshaw.
Green beans rock.  Heck yeah.

Cheerios and banana, breakfast of champions.
Is it just me, or is that really cute in a series like that?  Yeah, he's got me wrapped around his little finger.  Why do you ask?

Remember to eat your cheese,

Sunday, May 22, 2011


To say that Jack and Lucy have a special bond is an understatement.  Lucy has, from day one, accompanied me up the stairs to the nursery for every diaper change, wakeup call, or attempt to soothe.  She licks Jack's face at every chance.  She hangs out underneath the high chair during meal and snack times (she's not dumb).  She is determined to care for him as she cares for us, with her very best doggie affection.  She also doesn't mind standing in as a pillow from time to time.

Jack says four words:  Mama, Dada, Hi, and Doggie.  You can guess why.

Hope this weekend finds your tail wagging happily.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week at Jack's school.  His current teachers are destined for sainthood.  Under their watch, twelve toddlers eat meals while calmly seated around a table; take two hour naps on cots on the floor; play nicely with one another (for the most part); and learn all the while.

In honor of Miss Mary and Miss Shannon, the resident miracle workers, I have to share the fruits of their labor.  I know that I'm partial to, uh, everything that Jack does, but seriously.  Check this out. 

Jack had just arrived at school.  He's checking in on the right.

Gabe says that Rice Krispies are yummy.

Jack contemplates this.

And decides that he agrees.
In honor of great teachers everywhere, especially those that change lots of diapers.  We appreciate you!

Hope your weekend is full of snap, crackle, and pop.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


As someone who was born and bred on the East Coast and educated in New England, I don't normally toss around the religious talk.  Any good New Englander will happily discuss the merits of corduroy versus khaki before they will drop religion into a conversation.  In fact, any good New Englander will happily discuss the merits of Tom Brady with short versus long hair before they will discuss religion.  Tom Brady is much less important, but much less personal and dogmatic and therefore, better to discuss.

On the other hand, in Texas it is pretty common for people to bandy about words like "blessed."  People openly discuss what churches they attend, and religion is not something shrouded in corduroy (or khaki, if you prefer), but rather, open and out there for anyone and everyone to discuss and enjoy.

To be honest, it took a little getting used to for me.  I've come to the conclusion that it was well worth the effort.  You know what?  I am cool with people telling me to "have a blessed day."  I'm glad they want me to have one.  I'd like to have one, too.

I have a lot more of them now.

So, you know, wherever you're from, I hope your day is full of the awesome.

Monday, May 16, 2011


This weekend, Jack was On The Move.  He can now officially walk.  He realized at some point last week that walking enabled him to move quickly, grab things that were previously out of his reach, and carry a sippy cup while moving from place to place.  In short, he realized that walking is for the win.  Our home may never be the same.

He also displayed a penchant for playing possum.  While I was cooking yesterday afternoon (homemade cauliflower soup, even; healthy and delicious!), Jack "pretended" to be napping on the kitchen floor.  

Standard Napping Position:  On stomach; thumb in mouth.

When he realized I was watching him, he filled me in on the joke.

I'm not really napping, Mom!  Gotcha!
I hope your week is filled with "surprises" as cute as this one.  And no real possums.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Beep Beep

I posted this yesterday, but Blogger had a bad day and the post went bye bye.

Suffice it to say that we are in love with this collage of photos taken by our pal, Betsy.

He's on the go, ladies!  Watch out!

And beep beep to you, too,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Mommy Pledge

I'm "borrowing" this from my awesome momma blogger friend over at JourneyChic.  It so perfectly sums up the job of a mother, that I had to share:

I will pick you up when you fall down.
I will wipe the tears from your eyes and the poo from your bottom.
I will read you stories again, and again, and again.
I will bounce you and sing to you even when my back hurts and my throat is sore.
I will comfort you when you wake at all hours, for whatever reason.
I will pick your nose until you can do it yourself (and then promptly teach you to use a tissue).
I will put a smile on my face the moment I see you after bad day at work, because my smile makes you smile, and your smile turns mine into a genuine one.
I will sing, dance, and make ridiculous faces just to please you.
I will hug you and kiss your perfect, chubby cheeks until you push me away.
I will teach you everything I know. Sometimes, I will let you fail so you can teach yourself.
I will always be there for you when you need me, no matter how old you are.
I will love you no matter who you become, what you do, or who you love.
I will be a better person because you gave me life, as much as I gave it to you.
I will not be perfect, but I will do the best that I can.
I will always be your mommy, and you will always be my baby boy.

Be still, my heart.  Hope this finds you well.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day from Jack

Jack says:  Moms rock because they take you to Randalls with them.  When they stop to get a coffee at the Starbucks inside the store, they get you a petite vanilla scone to eat.  Then, when you get thirsty, they get you a water in a fun Starbucks cup with a green straw!  So, then I learned how to drink through a straw.

Anyway, that's why moms rock.

Happy Mothers' Day to all the mamas.
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