
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jack decided to be a bat for Halloween this year.  We didn't trick or treat because, well, he can't walk yet.

But we did get in costume at school with his best baby buds.  Good times.

Jazmin rocked it out as Pebbles:

Linley cuted it up as Raggedy Anne:

And Gabe showed his ageless wisdom as Yoda:

Jack wasn't sure that he was enjoying the experience at first...

But it got better.

Hope your Halloween was delightful, as well!


It's the Great Pumpkin, Jack!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Recently, Jack, Durel, and I entertained Aunt Nancy, who trekked to Texas from New Hampshire for a visit!  Suspicious though she was that we actually have fall and things like pumpkin patches in Texas, we showed her otherwise:

Granted, we can wear flip flops and tshirts while selecting our pumpkins, but I ask that a bad thing?

Jack was fascinated with these larger-than-him gourds:  

And tickled by the idea that they were named after him (not the other way around, or a coincidence, right?):

Though of course, our Jack is worth more than $12.50.  Just sayin'.  I mean, this is pure cuteness:

Happy Jack, happy mama.  It was a great day.

Thanks, Tia, for the pictures and the visit!  Miss you!

Flashback: PSF

So, my daycare mama friends and I routinely dress our babies alike and take pictures of them.  Hey, it's the little things in life, right?

In anticipation of the great photos we will be sharing soon from the kiddos' Halloween celebration, I would like to flash back to a PSF (Photo Shoot Friday) from many moons ago (or at least a few moons)...

Liberty, Linley, Gabe, and Jack, sporting the hot new trend in diapers -- pseudo denim.

Baby Chaos (Emma, Gabe, Jack, Jazmin, Aksel, Linley, Liberty, and Mac)

Taken with Ye Olde Blackberry.  Thank goodness for my Droid!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a quick message from the soapbox:  You don't need these.

Talk normally; read aloud; listen to music.  Your baby can hear you.  You're good.  Save your money for diapers.

Just sayin'.

Hope this finds you well,

Wordless Wednesday: At the Doctor's Office

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Suck the Thumb; Rock the Vote

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yesterday, early voting started in Texas for the November 2 general election.  During early voting in Texas, you can go to any polling place in the county, rather than just your specific precinct.  It's a quick and easy way to get out there and vote!

Jack and I took full advantage yesterday, and kicked off the voting season by rocking the vote.  In the future, I will take him to the polls with me to make sure he understands the importance of this right -- and the importance of exercising it.

Yesterday, Jack voted "No" for any proposition to restrict thumb-sucking.

Remember to vote!  Jack wants you to!

Hope this finds you well,

They Don't Call them Great For Nothing

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Jack and Durel recently hung out with the guys, watching football.

While there, Jack discovered two things:  Great Danes and whiffle balls.

As I said, they don't call them Great for nothing.  This picture illustrates "big" and "little."

Jack tried to get the smell off of his onesie before going home to Pablo and Lucy.  No need to make the pooches jealous, after all.

Hope this finds you well.

Wordless Tuesday

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We Have Festivaled

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Phew.  We did it.  We, the full-time working parents of a seven month old baby, survived ACL.

Wait, you say.  Isn't this premature?  It's a three day festival, right?

Yes, it is.  But we are only two day festivalers this year.  We've thrown in the towel, and are feeling quite good about it.

In our defense, our babysitters have returned to Houston and we don't have sound-blocking headphones for Jack.  So it would be hard to go to ACL today.  But in truth, we're tired and dehydrated and feeling quite good about having a day of weekend left to recuperate.

That said, it was awesome.  Day 1 highlights:  The Sword (local hard rock band; Durel's choice); Vampire Weekend (love them); Spoon; The Strokes, and Phish.

My favorite moments from Friday?  Realizing how light and unencumbered I feel with a small purse, no diaper bag, and no baby carrier; the chicken and avocado cone; Vampire Weekend, and The Strokes.

Day 2 highlights:  Mayer Hawthorne & The County; Broken Bells; sloppy nachos from the Salt Lick (chips drenched in queso, shredded brisket, and jalapenos).

Day 2 highlights:  those nachos, and realizing how happy we would be to get home to our sweet boy.

We came, we saw, we festivaled.

Hope this finds you well.

Jack's Parents Take a Weekend Off

Friday, October 8, 2010

Well, we're not taking a week of from being parents.  That's a lifetime job.  But we are taking a weekend off.  Durel and I are headed to the Austin City Limits Music Festival, aka ACL.  This year, we're excited to see Vampire Weekend, Muse, Flaming Lips, MIA, Spoon, Silversun Pickups, and countless other bands that I either can't remember or we haven't yet discovered.

We're ridiculously excited, for a variety of reasons:  a three day music festival with eight stages, hundreds of bands, all of the fun food and drink you could imagine, great weather, good friends, and baby.

In fact, this is almost a tradition for us.  Here's a little flashback to us, pre-Jack, at ACL in 2008:

And in 2007:

In fact, I've even opined on the etiquette of festivals (which sounds snooty but is actually quite practical).

Anyway, enough typing.  Time for ACL-ing.

Hope this finds you well,

Jack Goes to Happy Hour

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jack's a big fan of Red's Porch, the new restaurant/bar/patio on South Lamar.  He's been there several times, including last night for happy hour.

He got to hang out with his Aunt Kim, who is in town from her illustrious graduate school stint in Little Rock at the Clinton School of Public Service:

And his Aunt Melinda, who is in town from her various stints of traveling around the world.  When asked what she'd been up to lately, Melinda thoughtfully replied, "Oh, just working a lot."  As a new mom for whom a trip to Target is exciting, I reminded her that her recent trip to New Zealand probably deserved to be a part of her answer.

Sadly, we didn't get a picture of Jack with his Aunt Stacy, who is also the mom of Jack's soon-to-be-lifelong pal, Ronnie Junior, also known as R2.

In short, Jack looooves the ladies!  And happy hour.  What a little dude.

Hope this finds you well,

For the Cure

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today, I went to a Breast Cancer Awareness Event at the Capitol with a couple of my fabulous coworkers.

I am proud that Texas has created a state agency specifically to deal with researching cures for cancer and promoting prevention and early detection.

I am proud that Jack and I did the Austin Race for the Cure last year while he was in my belly.  I am equally proud that he will do the Race with me this year, from the vantage point of the jogging stroller.

Here's to October and racing for a cure.

If you would like to donate to my fundraising efforts for this year's Race for the Cure, you can do so on my Facebook page, or by clicking on this link.  Thanks for your support!

Hope this finds you well.

Pizza Sherpa

Monday, October 4, 2010

So, I feel like I've gotten pretty good at taking Jack places.  (Duh, Heather.  He's your baby and you have to leave the house.)  

Seriously, though, going places with a baby is tricky!  You need:
-- a stroller (most likely)
-- diapers and wipes (more than you think)
-- formula/milk/food (more than you think, in case you're gone longer than you expect)
-- toys
-- bib/burp cloth
-- change of clothes (not required but smart)
-- sensible shoes (unless you really hate yourself)
-- Advil (inevitable)

You also may need:
-- blanket (for baby lounging)
-- sunscreen (to prevent baby burning)
-- hat (ditto)

(Woah, that's a lot of stuff.)  No kidding.  You also need your sense of humor and a healthy desire for adventure.

When I was new-er at the mom thing, I also had Ziploc bags in my diaper bag.  They're actually pretty helpful for various ooky items that you either need to cart home of dispose of without stink or mess.

So, that's all fine and good, but on Friday, I was faced with a dilemma.  How do you drop into Whole Foods and pick up dinner with your baby?

I didn't really want a cart b/c Whole Foods on Friday after work is a madhouse.  Jack's not really big enough to sit in a cart yet, anyway, which means putting the carseat on top of the cart, which means that you can't really see where you're going.  And, at almost 20 pounds, he's a heavy turkey to carry around in the carseat at this point.  Plus the large bag in which I carry all of his various and sundry items.

So, anyway, here's what I came up with:

I got dinner; I got us in and out of the store without major hassle, and Jack even got a Junior Deputy sticker from the store's on-site State Trooper!  Awesomeness.

Hope this finds you well.

Jack Earns His Wings

Friday, October 1, 2010

On our recent beach trip, Durel and I opted to brave the skies with Jack, rather than braving the open roads.  (It's a long drive to South Padre.)

I've never been particularly partial to Southwest Airlines.  I think they're fine and all -- air travel is what it is.  But, my opinion officially changed on this trip.  The flight attendant was enchanted with Jack.  So much so, in fact, that she decided he needed to meet the pilot and see the cockpit.


Seriously, how awesome is that?  Can you stand it?  I couldn't.

I will also say, for the sake of full disclosure, that said flight attendant stayed positive and helpful when Jack decided to Completely Melt Down right before take-off.    Yes, we were those people with the screaming baby, and we were clueless and horrified about it.  Durel and I just looked at each other like that clueless couple in the horror movie who just realized that the cabin really is haunted.

We bounced, soothed, sang, whispered, and fervently prayed that the wailing would end.  Thankfully, it did.  Everyone on the plane breathed a sigh of relief, and we were on our way to the beach.

Via the cockpit.  Because Jack is awesome like that.

Hope this finds you well.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Jack decided to be a bat for Halloween this year.  We didn't trick or treat because, well, he can't walk yet.

But we did get in costume at school with his best baby buds.  Good times.

Jazmin rocked it out as Pebbles:

Linley cuted it up as Raggedy Anne:

And Gabe showed his ageless wisdom as Yoda:

Jack wasn't sure that he was enjoying the experience at first...

But it got better.

Hope your Halloween was delightful, as well!


Friday, October 29, 2010

It's the Great Pumpkin, Jack!

Recently, Jack, Durel, and I entertained Aunt Nancy, who trekked to Texas from New Hampshire for a visit!  Suspicious though she was that we actually have fall and things like pumpkin patches in Texas, we showed her otherwise:

Granted, we can wear flip flops and tshirts while selecting our pumpkins, but I ask that a bad thing?

Jack was fascinated with these larger-than-him gourds:  

And tickled by the idea that they were named after him (not the other way around, or a coincidence, right?):

Though of course, our Jack is worth more than $12.50.  Just sayin'.  I mean, this is pure cuteness:

Happy Jack, happy mama.  It was a great day.

Thanks, Tia, for the pictures and the visit!  Miss you!

Flashback: PSF

So, my daycare mama friends and I routinely dress our babies alike and take pictures of them.  Hey, it's the little things in life, right?

In anticipation of the great photos we will be sharing soon from the kiddos' Halloween celebration, I would like to flash back to a PSF (Photo Shoot Friday) from many moons ago (or at least a few moons)...

Liberty, Linley, Gabe, and Jack, sporting the hot new trend in diapers -- pseudo denim.

Baby Chaos (Emma, Gabe, Jack, Jazmin, Aksel, Linley, Liberty, and Mac)

Taken with Ye Olde Blackberry.  Thank goodness for my Droid!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just a quick message from the soapbox:  You don't need these.

Talk normally; read aloud; listen to music.  Your baby can hear you.  You're good.  Save your money for diapers.

Just sayin'.

Hope this finds you well,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suck the Thumb; Rock the Vote

Yesterday, early voting started in Texas for the November 2 general election.  During early voting in Texas, you can go to any polling place in the county, rather than just your specific precinct.  It's a quick and easy way to get out there and vote!

Jack and I took full advantage yesterday, and kicked off the voting season by rocking the vote.  In the future, I will take him to the polls with me to make sure he understands the importance of this right -- and the importance of exercising it.

Yesterday, Jack voted "No" for any proposition to restrict thumb-sucking.

Remember to vote!  Jack wants you to!

Hope this finds you well,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

They Don't Call them Great For Nothing

Jack and Durel recently hung out with the guys, watching football.

While there, Jack discovered two things:  Great Danes and whiffle balls.

As I said, they don't call them Great for nothing.  This picture illustrates "big" and "little."

Jack tried to get the smell off of his onesie before going home to Pablo and Lucy.  No need to make the pooches jealous, after all.

Hope this finds you well.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

We Have Festivaled

Phew.  We did it.  We, the full-time working parents of a seven month old baby, survived ACL.

Wait, you say.  Isn't this premature?  It's a three day festival, right?

Yes, it is.  But we are only two day festivalers this year.  We've thrown in the towel, and are feeling quite good about it.

In our defense, our babysitters have returned to Houston and we don't have sound-blocking headphones for Jack.  So it would be hard to go to ACL today.  But in truth, we're tired and dehydrated and feeling quite good about having a day of weekend left to recuperate.

That said, it was awesome.  Day 1 highlights:  The Sword (local hard rock band; Durel's choice); Vampire Weekend (love them); Spoon; The Strokes, and Phish.

My favorite moments from Friday?  Realizing how light and unencumbered I feel with a small purse, no diaper bag, and no baby carrier; the chicken and avocado cone; Vampire Weekend, and The Strokes.

Day 2 highlights:  Mayer Hawthorne & The County; Broken Bells; sloppy nachos from the Salt Lick (chips drenched in queso, shredded brisket, and jalapenos).

Day 2 highlights:  those nachos, and realizing how happy we would be to get home to our sweet boy.

We came, we saw, we festivaled.

Hope this finds you well.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jack's Parents Take a Weekend Off

Well, we're not taking a week of from being parents.  That's a lifetime job.  But we are taking a weekend off.  Durel and I are headed to the Austin City Limits Music Festival, aka ACL.  This year, we're excited to see Vampire Weekend, Muse, Flaming Lips, MIA, Spoon, Silversun Pickups, and countless other bands that I either can't remember or we haven't yet discovered.

We're ridiculously excited, for a variety of reasons:  a three day music festival with eight stages, hundreds of bands, all of the fun food and drink you could imagine, great weather, good friends, and baby.

In fact, this is almost a tradition for us.  Here's a little flashback to us, pre-Jack, at ACL in 2008:

And in 2007:

In fact, I've even opined on the etiquette of festivals (which sounds snooty but is actually quite practical).

Anyway, enough typing.  Time for ACL-ing.

Hope this finds you well,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jack Goes to Happy Hour

Jack's a big fan of Red's Porch, the new restaurant/bar/patio on South Lamar.  He's been there several times, including last night for happy hour.

He got to hang out with his Aunt Kim, who is in town from her illustrious graduate school stint in Little Rock at the Clinton School of Public Service:

And his Aunt Melinda, who is in town from her various stints of traveling around the world.  When asked what she'd been up to lately, Melinda thoughtfully replied, "Oh, just working a lot."  As a new mom for whom a trip to Target is exciting, I reminded her that her recent trip to New Zealand probably deserved to be a part of her answer.

Sadly, we didn't get a picture of Jack with his Aunt Stacy, who is also the mom of Jack's soon-to-be-lifelong pal, Ronnie Junior, also known as R2.

In short, Jack looooves the ladies!  And happy hour.  What a little dude.

Hope this finds you well,

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

For the Cure

Today, I went to a Breast Cancer Awareness Event at the Capitol with a couple of my fabulous coworkers.

I am proud that Texas has created a state agency specifically to deal with researching cures for cancer and promoting prevention and early detection.

I am proud that Jack and I did the Austin Race for the Cure last year while he was in my belly.  I am equally proud that he will do the Race with me this year, from the vantage point of the jogging stroller.

Here's to October and racing for a cure.

If you would like to donate to my fundraising efforts for this year's Race for the Cure, you can do so on my Facebook page, or by clicking on this link.  Thanks for your support!

Hope this finds you well.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Pizza Sherpa

So, I feel like I've gotten pretty good at taking Jack places.  (Duh, Heather.  He's your baby and you have to leave the house.)  

Seriously, though, going places with a baby is tricky!  You need:
-- a stroller (most likely)
-- diapers and wipes (more than you think)
-- formula/milk/food (more than you think, in case you're gone longer than you expect)
-- toys
-- bib/burp cloth
-- change of clothes (not required but smart)
-- sensible shoes (unless you really hate yourself)
-- Advil (inevitable)

You also may need:
-- blanket (for baby lounging)
-- sunscreen (to prevent baby burning)
-- hat (ditto)

(Woah, that's a lot of stuff.)  No kidding.  You also need your sense of humor and a healthy desire for adventure.

When I was new-er at the mom thing, I also had Ziploc bags in my diaper bag.  They're actually pretty helpful for various ooky items that you either need to cart home of dispose of without stink or mess.

So, that's all fine and good, but on Friday, I was faced with a dilemma.  How do you drop into Whole Foods and pick up dinner with your baby?

I didn't really want a cart b/c Whole Foods on Friday after work is a madhouse.  Jack's not really big enough to sit in a cart yet, anyway, which means putting the carseat on top of the cart, which means that you can't really see where you're going.  And, at almost 20 pounds, he's a heavy turkey to carry around in the carseat at this point.  Plus the large bag in which I carry all of his various and sundry items.

So, anyway, here's what I came up with:

I got dinner; I got us in and out of the store without major hassle, and Jack even got a Junior Deputy sticker from the store's on-site State Trooper!  Awesomeness.

Hope this finds you well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jack Earns His Wings

On our recent beach trip, Durel and I opted to brave the skies with Jack, rather than braving the open roads.  (It's a long drive to South Padre.)

I've never been particularly partial to Southwest Airlines.  I think they're fine and all -- air travel is what it is.  But, my opinion officially changed on this trip.  The flight attendant was enchanted with Jack.  So much so, in fact, that she decided he needed to meet the pilot and see the cockpit.


Seriously, how awesome is that?  Can you stand it?  I couldn't.

I will also say, for the sake of full disclosure, that said flight attendant stayed positive and helpful when Jack decided to Completely Melt Down right before take-off.    Yes, we were those people with the screaming baby, and we were clueless and horrified about it.  Durel and I just looked at each other like that clueless couple in the horror movie who just realized that the cabin really is haunted.

We bounced, soothed, sang, whispered, and fervently prayed that the wailing would end.  Thankfully, it did.  Everyone on the plane breathed a sigh of relief, and we were on our way to the beach.

Via the cockpit.  Because Jack is awesome like that.

Hope this finds you well.
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