
Six Weeks Old!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yesterday was Jack's six week birthday!  I swore to myself I wouldn't be one of those moms who measures everything in weeks.  This is because, prior to having a child, I was perpetually dividing my friends' answers  by four to figure out the "real" answer in months. (How old is he?  Sixteen weeks.  Pause.  Oh!  Four months!)

However, six weeks is quite the milestone for Jack and his doting parents.  He rewarded us for our tenacity with gas drops, reflux, and millions of poopy diapers by sleeping for a record-breaking five hours straight the other night.  We are joyful.  I am not being facetious.  This is big stuff.

Jack agrees:

Happy Friday to everyone!


1 comment:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Six Weeks Old!

Yesterday was Jack's six week birthday!  I swore to myself I wouldn't be one of those moms who measures everything in weeks.  This is because, prior to having a child, I was perpetually dividing my friends' answers  by four to figure out the "real" answer in months. (How old is he?  Sixteen weeks.  Pause.  Oh!  Four months!)

However, six weeks is quite the milestone for Jack and his doting parents.  He rewarded us for our tenacity with gas drops, reflux, and millions of poopy diapers by sleeping for a record-breaking five hours straight the other night.  We are joyful.  I am not being facetious.  This is big stuff.

Jack agrees:

Happy Friday to everyone!

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