Coffee. Soy milk. Bread. Eggs. Trash Bags. Yup, it is time to go to the grocery store.
Though our friends and parents have been lovely about making sure Durel and I didn't subsist entirely on Chinese delivery since Jack's birth, the time came today for me to make a foray to the grocery store. I knew it was coming. I had a list. I was mentally preparing myself for the new experience of Having a Baby at HEB.
I might have put it off for another day or two, in all honesty, but for two things:
(1) My friend Jess's ode to the grocery store on her blog yesterday, which I loved. She and I might share a brain sometimes:
Jess's blog entry about groceries
(2) Durel is sick. He's got a fever, aches, and has determined that it's some nasty virus. He's been banished to the guest room so as not to infect Jack and I. If I thought pregnancy had made me a germophobe, motherhood has increased it exponentially. I won't even expound more on this for fear of putting it out into the universe. Ahem. Anyway, suffice it to say that our house could use a little homemade chicken noodle soup.
So, off to the store we went. We got lots of smiles from strangers, which I liked. We got NO errant touches from strangers, which I adored. One mom noticed that Jack was wide awake and commented to me on it. We had just entered the store and I was not at all sure that I would not be ditching a cart half-full of groceries to flee in about three aisles if he melted down.
Other Mom: "Congratulations! ... He's awake."
Me: "I know. That was not my plan at all. I hope this goes okay."
Other Mom: (knowing smile) "Congrats. Good luck."
I saw her again in the cereal aisle and got another smile, infused with her respectfully noting that by halfway through the store, my little bundle was asleep. Awesome.
To wit:
Victory is mine! And we will be having chicken noodle soup for dinner (and red wine for the healthy adults in the family, namely, moi).
Time to make the donuts...