
I Fought the Law and...Cheeseburger Won

Friday, February 26, 2010

So, I am not entirely sure I should admit this, but I'm going to.  I was pulled over this morning on the way to work for talking on my cell phone. 

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, I wasn't driving like a crazy person, swerving or being erratic.  I just happened to be on the phone in a school district.  Uh, I'm not sure when that became law, but I definitely missed the fact that you can't be on your cell phone, at all, while driving through a school district.  Which is why I was brazenly chatting away with my sister while a cop drove right by me.

He did an impressive U-turn and my stomach started to sink.  Yup, he was coming for me.  Oh, crap.  I dutifully pulled over into a parking lot.  Cheeseburger and I were being detained by Johnny Law.

He came to the window and it was Cheeseburger's time to shine.  The police officer, it turns out, is a new parent himself.  It went something like this:

Me:   Good morning.

JL:  Good morning ma'am.  I saw you with your cell phone up to your ear.  Were you aware that you cannot talk on a cell phone in a school zone?

Me:  (honest gasp), I didn't.  I'm so sorry.

[As I was reacting, I saw JL's eyes magnetically go straight to my fuschia-clad belly, which is now officially the size of a watermelon.  It was as if CB was waving hello while his inept carrier -- me-- apologized for totally and completely breaking the law like an idiot.]

JL:  [Looking back to the inept human carrier -- me]  Well, I'll just give you a warning, given your condition and all.  Uh, do you have your license and proof of insurance?

Me:  I am so sorry.  Thank you.  I was just telling my sister that I could go into labor at any time.

JL:  (eyes wide)  Ma'am,areyouinlabornow???

Me:  (realizing that he was about to go all lights and sirens and escort me to the hospital)  No, no.  I am not.  I just wanted her to be prepared for when it happens.

JL:  Okay, okay.  I'll be right back with that warning.

One warning later, I learned that JL's son is eight months old, day care is a germ factory, and that he wishes CB and I the best of luck when the big moment arrives.  I drove away unscathed, but with a crystal clear understanding that I need to drop the cell in the school zone.  And a sneaking suspicion that I should probably take Oprah's new no cell in the car pledge.

Upon further inspection of the warning when I got to work, I saw that under "Notes," he had written: 
"Gave warning.  9 months pregnant."

So, it's official.  I fought the law and Cheeze won.

Hope this finds you well.

Cheeseburger, Your Nursery Awaits!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Durel and I find it cute, and funny, that we are literally tearing the house apart to prepare for the arrival of a perfect stranger.  I know, I know -- Cheeseburger isn't a stranger, per se.  But when you don't know someone's sex, name, or what they look like, they kind of are...

So, we've done our best to create a bedroom that our little stranger will love.  It's gender neutral, inspired by trees and ABCs, and pretty darn cute, if I say so myself!

We are loving the green/gray accent wall, the hippos on the crib bedding, and the awesome crib.

All set up for rocking and cuddling in the quilt that was handmade by Grammy Davies!

A tree grows in the changing station, no less.  Note the awesome flowers on the ceiling -- souvenirs from my baby shower!

Some cuties await the arrival of a Cheeseburger.

One of my favorite components -- a piece of art designed by Enna, an artist in Hannover Germany!  Oh, how I love etsy...

Ready, set, go!

We Have Much to Learn...

Friday, February 19, 2010

But I am pretty sure that we have these lessons down as we prepare for Cheeseburger's arrival.  Of course, they are too good not to share:

Though, can't you see Durel in the hoodie, coaching Cheeseburger to "feel the burn"?

No Irish jokes, please.  Or New Orleans jokes.

Though I do love a good gab fest over coffee with an infant who can barely hold up their own head.  Ah, well, I'll survive.

Hope this finds you well.  Happy Friday!


Babies Need Lots of Things...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

But I am not sure this is one of them.  My sister, in her infinite humor and craftiness, sent me this link.  Let's just say that we won't be taking the "cheeseburger" theme quite this far:

Though, with all due respect to the creators of this culinary-inspired cushion, available at, it is really creative.  And it might even be making me hungry.  Or sleepy.  Or both.

Hope this finds you well.

Showered with Goodwill and Goodies

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Durel's amazing supervisor and coworkers hosted a baby shower for Cheeseburger this afternoon!  They thought of everything, from adorable decorations to a delicious cake.  (I might add that the cake was chocolate, filled with chocolate mousse.  Oh, goodness...)

We are so lucky to have such supportive friends and colleagues.  We can't wait to introduce Cheeseburger to his or her extended family -- all of whom have waited patiently and supported us so thoughtfully during the past nine months.

Hope this finds you well.

Update: Week 37

How far along are we?  Wow, wow, wow.   We are officially full term at 37 weeks.  I can barely believe it!  Until I look down, that is, because...

My belly is: Ginormous.  I used to see pregnant women and think, "There's no way I'll ever be that big."  Yeah, right.  In fact, my ankles want a piece of the action and are now giving my belly a run for its money.

Highlight of the week:  I don't know.  Getting to each new week has been a milestone since I was in the hospital in December.  At some point, though, the highlight of the week will be Cheeseburger's arrival!  Maybe this week, in fact...

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Making me utterly incapable of getting comfortable or sleeping.  How considerate of him or her!

Any odd cravings?  Not really.  I think that phase is over.  I do still love a good burger, though!  And Durel has stories about how I won't share the Girl Scout cookies with him...which he may or may not be exaggerating.

Anything else fun going on?  I was listening to the Beastie Boys yesterday and Cheeseburger went nuts.  I am so proud that he or she already has great taste in music!

What do you really miss? Oh, wow. So many things. Moving without grunting like I am doing manual labor. Moving without doing manual labor. My toes.

What are you excited about? Meeting this kid!  My first run after I get home from the hospital.

What are you not excited about? My ankles.

Have you had any deep thoughts this week?  Durel and I are about to be parents.  Awesome.

Hooray goes to:  My co-workers, who have gotten oddly used to my 6 hour work weeks, yet still treat me like a valued employee when I come back "full time" but am clearly a ticking time bomb, waiting to go into labor.

Update: I'm Free to Waddle!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Yesterday, we had our 36 week check-up with the doctor.  She said that everything looks good and gave me permission to "return to normal activity."  (Durel wisely avoided making any jokes about how I'm never really normal.) 

I'll be returning to work full time next week and can take a vacation from my home for the past few months, the recliner in the living room!  However, I also sincerely appreciate the fact that Monday is a state holiday.  (Presidents' Day.  It's even a real one.)  A four day work week to get back into the swing of things is divine.  Of course, we have no idea how long this return to normalcy will last -- the doctor also confirmed that Cheeseburger could come at any time. 

In light of my return to the working world, I decided to honor some of the "home-schooling" I've done in the past few months:

For those of you who know me well, you know that I start every project with a little research.  Well, growing a baby is a big project, so...I did a lot of research.  And, all jokes aside, Pregnancy for Dummies is a great book.  I highly recommend it.

(This does not include, of course, the books I've acquired about taking care of your baby once it arrives, developing healthy sleep habits, feeding, and all that crucial baby jazz.  I am segueing into that stack of reading material soon...)

Hope this finds everyone well.

Belly Update: Week 36

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How far along are we? 36 weeks!  We've been hoping to get to this milestone for a long time.  Hooray!

My belly is:  Ginormous

Highlight of the week:  Getting to this week is the highlight of the week, honestly.

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Causing me to eat the largest lunches imaginable.  Kicking me in the bladder.

Any odd cravings?  No specific cravings, but I am hungriest at lunch, and have been eating everything that's not nailed down as a result. 

Any feelings about the gender? No.  But the debate about Drew Brees Bernard rages on in the wake of the Saints' brilliant victory...

What do you really miss? Oh, wow.  So many things.  Moving without grunting like I am doing manual labor.  Moving without doing manual labor.  My toes.

What are you excited about? Meeting this kid!

What are you not excited about? My ankles. Labor.

Have you had any deep thoughts this week?  Well, this was the week that I was "supposed to" return to work full time, but my doctor has instead cut me back to 6 hours of work again.  Pregnancy is one long realization that you are not in charge.  Of anything.  :)

Hooray goes to:   The Saints, of course!  And everyone who is expecting ANOTHER 20 inches of snow on the East Coast. 

Cheeseburger's Chariot Awaits

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Though this weekend is really all about the SuperBowl in our household, we managed to distract ourselves by doing a few things for Cheeseburger while we waited for the big kickoff.

To wit, we needed to get ready to bring Cheeseburger home from the hospital.  Durel tackled the carseat installation with poise and confidence:

And made sure that we're ready to go!

Hard to believe that we used to drive a Jetta and a Ranger with jumpseats in the back.  We're growing up, folks!

Hope this finds everyone well. 

-- Heather 

Cheeseburger's Baby Shower!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last Saturday, Cheeseburger and I were celebrated in grand style at our very own baby shower.  My co-hostesses conspired over thousands of miles to concoct the perfect party!

Two of my lovely co-hostesses, Danielle and Kristina, realized that they must have been separated at birth.  Talk about kindred spirits!

Jessica, the remaining co-hostess, whose home we invaded for the party, surrounded by dear friends:

(Courtney, Letty, Jessica, and Shameika)

 And of course, Miss Ava, who also graciously welcomed Cheeseburger's party into her home.  She's already told me that she wants to babysit!

The "cheeseburger" theme was well-represented, as we ate yummy sliders from Terra Burger (sustainable, too!  awesome!) and Cheeseburger's identity was alluded to on the amazing cake (note the ankle band):

Good friends, generous gifts, and good times were in abundance.  I could not be luckier or feel happier!

(Terra, Diane, Melinda, Suzahna, Stacy)

(Ms. Megan is ready and waiting to share her wardrobe with Cheeseburger if it's apros pos...)

To everyone who planned, attended, sent wishes and shared the joy, thank you. 

-- Heather

Week 35 Update

How far along are we? 35 weeks. We'll hit the super duper magical 36 week mark on Monday!  Uh, that means we are about to be parents...

How are those maternity clothes?   They are really great, but I think yoga pants and tshirts are better.

Highlight of the week:  I am allowed to work for 12 hours this week.  Which means I can actually get a few things accomplished!  It's a joy to be back at work, it really is.

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Giving me an outie.  Making sleep challenging.  Kicking me, especially when it's time to eat.

Any odd cravings? The cravings seem to be tapering off.  I eat when I am told (kick kick).  The million dollar question is whether I will revert to my non-red meat eating ways when I am no longer eating for two!

Any feelings about the gender?  No, but we are getting reeeeeeeeeeeally curious.  But I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  If it is a boy, we are NOT naming him Drew Brees Bernard.

What do you really miss? Sleeping on my stomach.  Having as much caffeine as I want.  Wine. 
What are you excited about?  Meeting this kid! 

What are you not excited about? My ankles.  Labor.  (Just being honest.)

Have you had any deep thoughts this week? I have some of the best friends in the world.  My shower was on Saturday and I am at a loss for words to describe how generous and loving they are, or how supported and honored I feel. 

Hooray goes to:  Danielle, Kristina, and Jessica, for being the hostesses with the mostest at the shower. 

Week 35 and The Salt Lick

Monday, February 1, 2010

My wonderful and fabulous baby shower was this Saturday.  It was a totally perfect day!  More on that in a bit.

For now, let me fast forward to the way we spent our day on Sunday, with a trip to the historic Salt Lick in Driftwood, Texas.  Much like New Yorkers like to debate the best way to get uptown/downtown, or like Marylanders like to debate the best crab cake recipe, Austinites like to debate the virtue of the many barbecue joints in their midst.  All debates aside, people agree that the Salt Lick is just goooood.

Kristina and Jamie joined us in our barbecue journey.  We were all abuzz with anticipation.  The food didn't disappoint!

Happy happy barbecue eaters...

with very large, 35 week bellies!  This picture is at a horrible angle, but Shakira's hips don't lie, and neither does my belly.

Happy 35th week!

-- Heather

Friday, February 26, 2010

I Fought the Law and...Cheeseburger Won

So, I am not entirely sure I should admit this, but I'm going to.  I was pulled over this morning on the way to work for talking on my cell phone. 

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, I wasn't driving like a crazy person, swerving or being erratic.  I just happened to be on the phone in a school district.  Uh, I'm not sure when that became law, but I definitely missed the fact that you can't be on your cell phone, at all, while driving through a school district.  Which is why I was brazenly chatting away with my sister while a cop drove right by me.

He did an impressive U-turn and my stomach started to sink.  Yup, he was coming for me.  Oh, crap.  I dutifully pulled over into a parking lot.  Cheeseburger and I were being detained by Johnny Law.

He came to the window and it was Cheeseburger's time to shine.  The police officer, it turns out, is a new parent himself.  It went something like this:

Me:   Good morning.

JL:  Good morning ma'am.  I saw you with your cell phone up to your ear.  Were you aware that you cannot talk on a cell phone in a school zone?

Me:  (honest gasp), I didn't.  I'm so sorry.

[As I was reacting, I saw JL's eyes magnetically go straight to my fuschia-clad belly, which is now officially the size of a watermelon.  It was as if CB was waving hello while his inept carrier -- me-- apologized for totally and completely breaking the law like an idiot.]

JL:  [Looking back to the inept human carrier -- me]  Well, I'll just give you a warning, given your condition and all.  Uh, do you have your license and proof of insurance?

Me:  I am so sorry.  Thank you.  I was just telling my sister that I could go into labor at any time.

JL:  (eyes wide)  Ma'am,areyouinlabornow???

Me:  (realizing that he was about to go all lights and sirens and escort me to the hospital)  No, no.  I am not.  I just wanted her to be prepared for when it happens.

JL:  Okay, okay.  I'll be right back with that warning.

One warning later, I learned that JL's son is eight months old, day care is a germ factory, and that he wishes CB and I the best of luck when the big moment arrives.  I drove away unscathed, but with a crystal clear understanding that I need to drop the cell in the school zone.  And a sneaking suspicion that I should probably take Oprah's new no cell in the car pledge.

Upon further inspection of the warning when I got to work, I saw that under "Notes," he had written: 
"Gave warning.  9 months pregnant."

So, it's official.  I fought the law and Cheeze won.

Hope this finds you well.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cheeseburger, Your Nursery Awaits!

Durel and I find it cute, and funny, that we are literally tearing the house apart to prepare for the arrival of a perfect stranger.  I know, I know -- Cheeseburger isn't a stranger, per se.  But when you don't know someone's sex, name, or what they look like, they kind of are...

So, we've done our best to create a bedroom that our little stranger will love.  It's gender neutral, inspired by trees and ABCs, and pretty darn cute, if I say so myself!

We are loving the green/gray accent wall, the hippos on the crib bedding, and the awesome crib.

All set up for rocking and cuddling in the quilt that was handmade by Grammy Davies!

A tree grows in the changing station, no less.  Note the awesome flowers on the ceiling -- souvenirs from my baby shower!

Some cuties await the arrival of a Cheeseburger.

One of my favorite components -- a piece of art designed by Enna, an artist in Hannover Germany!  Oh, how I love etsy...

Ready, set, go!

Friday, February 19, 2010

We Have Much to Learn...

But I am pretty sure that we have these lessons down as we prepare for Cheeseburger's arrival.  Of course, they are too good not to share:

Though, can't you see Durel in the hoodie, coaching Cheeseburger to "feel the burn"?

No Irish jokes, please.  Or New Orleans jokes.

Though I do love a good gab fest over coffee with an infant who can barely hold up their own head.  Ah, well, I'll survive.

Hope this finds you well.  Happy Friday!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Babies Need Lots of Things...

But I am not sure this is one of them.  My sister, in her infinite humor and craftiness, sent me this link.  Let's just say that we won't be taking the "cheeseburger" theme quite this far:

Though, with all due respect to the creators of this culinary-inspired cushion, available at, it is really creative.  And it might even be making me hungry.  Or sleepy.  Or both.

Hope this finds you well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Showered with Goodwill and Goodies

Durel's amazing supervisor and coworkers hosted a baby shower for Cheeseburger this afternoon!  They thought of everything, from adorable decorations to a delicious cake.  (I might add that the cake was chocolate, filled with chocolate mousse.  Oh, goodness...)

We are so lucky to have such supportive friends and colleagues.  We can't wait to introduce Cheeseburger to his or her extended family -- all of whom have waited patiently and supported us so thoughtfully during the past nine months.

Hope this finds you well.

Update: Week 37

How far along are we?  Wow, wow, wow.   We are officially full term at 37 weeks.  I can barely believe it!  Until I look down, that is, because...

My belly is: Ginormous.  I used to see pregnant women and think, "There's no way I'll ever be that big."  Yeah, right.  In fact, my ankles want a piece of the action and are now giving my belly a run for its money.

Highlight of the week:  I don't know.  Getting to each new week has been a milestone since I was in the hospital in December.  At some point, though, the highlight of the week will be Cheeseburger's arrival!  Maybe this week, in fact...

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Making me utterly incapable of getting comfortable or sleeping.  How considerate of him or her!

Any odd cravings?  Not really.  I think that phase is over.  I do still love a good burger, though!  And Durel has stories about how I won't share the Girl Scout cookies with him...which he may or may not be exaggerating.

Anything else fun going on?  I was listening to the Beastie Boys yesterday and Cheeseburger went nuts.  I am so proud that he or she already has great taste in music!

What do you really miss? Oh, wow. So many things. Moving without grunting like I am doing manual labor. Moving without doing manual labor. My toes.

What are you excited about? Meeting this kid!  My first run after I get home from the hospital.

What are you not excited about? My ankles.

Have you had any deep thoughts this week?  Durel and I are about to be parents.  Awesome.

Hooray goes to:  My co-workers, who have gotten oddly used to my 6 hour work weeks, yet still treat me like a valued employee when I come back "full time" but am clearly a ticking time bomb, waiting to go into labor.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Update: I'm Free to Waddle!

Yesterday, we had our 36 week check-up with the doctor.  She said that everything looks good and gave me permission to "return to normal activity."  (Durel wisely avoided making any jokes about how I'm never really normal.) 

I'll be returning to work full time next week and can take a vacation from my home for the past few months, the recliner in the living room!  However, I also sincerely appreciate the fact that Monday is a state holiday.  (Presidents' Day.  It's even a real one.)  A four day work week to get back into the swing of things is divine.  Of course, we have no idea how long this return to normalcy will last -- the doctor also confirmed that Cheeseburger could come at any time. 

In light of my return to the working world, I decided to honor some of the "home-schooling" I've done in the past few months:

For those of you who know me well, you know that I start every project with a little research.  Well, growing a baby is a big project, so...I did a lot of research.  And, all jokes aside, Pregnancy for Dummies is a great book.  I highly recommend it.

(This does not include, of course, the books I've acquired about taking care of your baby once it arrives, developing healthy sleep habits, feeding, and all that crucial baby jazz.  I am segueing into that stack of reading material soon...)

Hope this finds everyone well.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Belly Update: Week 36

How far along are we? 36 weeks!  We've been hoping to get to this milestone for a long time.  Hooray!

My belly is:  Ginormous

Highlight of the week:  Getting to this week is the highlight of the week, honestly.

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Causing me to eat the largest lunches imaginable.  Kicking me in the bladder.

Any odd cravings?  No specific cravings, but I am hungriest at lunch, and have been eating everything that's not nailed down as a result. 

Any feelings about the gender? No.  But the debate about Drew Brees Bernard rages on in the wake of the Saints' brilliant victory...

What do you really miss? Oh, wow.  So many things.  Moving without grunting like I am doing manual labor.  Moving without doing manual labor.  My toes.

What are you excited about? Meeting this kid!

What are you not excited about? My ankles. Labor.

Have you had any deep thoughts this week?  Well, this was the week that I was "supposed to" return to work full time, but my doctor has instead cut me back to 6 hours of work again.  Pregnancy is one long realization that you are not in charge.  Of anything.  :)

Hooray goes to:   The Saints, of course!  And everyone who is expecting ANOTHER 20 inches of snow on the East Coast. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cheeseburger's Chariot Awaits

Though this weekend is really all about the SuperBowl in our household, we managed to distract ourselves by doing a few things for Cheeseburger while we waited for the big kickoff.

To wit, we needed to get ready to bring Cheeseburger home from the hospital.  Durel tackled the carseat installation with poise and confidence:

And made sure that we're ready to go!

Hard to believe that we used to drive a Jetta and a Ranger with jumpseats in the back.  We're growing up, folks!

Hope this finds everyone well. 

-- Heather 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cheeseburger's Baby Shower!

Last Saturday, Cheeseburger and I were celebrated in grand style at our very own baby shower.  My co-hostesses conspired over thousands of miles to concoct the perfect party!

Two of my lovely co-hostesses, Danielle and Kristina, realized that they must have been separated at birth.  Talk about kindred spirits!

Jessica, the remaining co-hostess, whose home we invaded for the party, surrounded by dear friends:

(Courtney, Letty, Jessica, and Shameika)

 And of course, Miss Ava, who also graciously welcomed Cheeseburger's party into her home.  She's already told me that she wants to babysit!

The "cheeseburger" theme was well-represented, as we ate yummy sliders from Terra Burger (sustainable, too!  awesome!) and Cheeseburger's identity was alluded to on the amazing cake (note the ankle band):

Good friends, generous gifts, and good times were in abundance.  I could not be luckier or feel happier!

(Terra, Diane, Melinda, Suzahna, Stacy)

(Ms. Megan is ready and waiting to share her wardrobe with Cheeseburger if it's apros pos...)

To everyone who planned, attended, sent wishes and shared the joy, thank you. 

-- Heather

Week 35 Update

How far along are we? 35 weeks. We'll hit the super duper magical 36 week mark on Monday!  Uh, that means we are about to be parents...

How are those maternity clothes?   They are really great, but I think yoga pants and tshirts are better.

Highlight of the week:  I am allowed to work for 12 hours this week.  Which means I can actually get a few things accomplished!  It's a joy to be back at work, it really is.

What's Cheeseburger doing these days?  Giving me an outie.  Making sleep challenging.  Kicking me, especially when it's time to eat.

Any odd cravings? The cravings seem to be tapering off.  I eat when I am told (kick kick).  The million dollar question is whether I will revert to my non-red meat eating ways when I am no longer eating for two!

Any feelings about the gender?  No, but we are getting reeeeeeeeeeeally curious.  But I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  If it is a boy, we are NOT naming him Drew Brees Bernard.

What do you really miss? Sleeping on my stomach.  Having as much caffeine as I want.  Wine. 
What are you excited about?  Meeting this kid! 

What are you not excited about? My ankles.  Labor.  (Just being honest.)

Have you had any deep thoughts this week? I have some of the best friends in the world.  My shower was on Saturday and I am at a loss for words to describe how generous and loving they are, or how supported and honored I feel. 

Hooray goes to:  Danielle, Kristina, and Jessica, for being the hostesses with the mostest at the shower. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 35 and The Salt Lick

My wonderful and fabulous baby shower was this Saturday.  It was a totally perfect day!  More on that in a bit.

For now, let me fast forward to the way we spent our day on Sunday, with a trip to the historic Salt Lick in Driftwood, Texas.  Much like New Yorkers like to debate the best way to get uptown/downtown, or like Marylanders like to debate the best crab cake recipe, Austinites like to debate the virtue of the many barbecue joints in their midst.  All debates aside, people agree that the Salt Lick is just goooood.

Kristina and Jamie joined us in our barbecue journey.  We were all abuzz with anticipation.  The food didn't disappoint!

Happy happy barbecue eaters...

with very large, 35 week bellies!  This picture is at a horrible angle, but Shakira's hips don't lie, and neither does my belly.

Happy 35th week!

-- Heather
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