
2010: The Year in Review

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm a big fan of lists.  I am also a big fan of "recaps," as in the multitudes of "year in review" shows that will be on this weekend.  I really do want to know the biggest celebrity scandals of 2010, the best songs of 2010, and the biggest news stories of 2010.  In particular, I'd like to know this year because I spent a lot of 2010 either on bedrest or in "new baby land," where news doesn't always make it through the sleep-deprived haze.

In honor of how I will be spending this weekend, here's our own Geauxbaby 2010: Year in Review.

After going into pre-term labor in mid-December 2009, I was on bed rest in January 2010.  For those of you who remember, bless you for visiting me.  For those of you who didn't know me then or don't remember, bed rest consisted of me, parked in my awesome leather recliner in the living room (courtesy of the best husband ever), with the remotes, my laptop, my Blackberry, and an omnipresent cup of decaf tea.

I was pretty productive on bed rest:  I read five novels, started this blog, watched an obscene amount of TV, napped a lot, emailed a lot, and scoured the interwebs for (1) information about my baby; (2) items for baby's nursery; (3) things to amuse me.  Still growing the baby.

I went back to work part-time.  This was great, because it meant I got out of the house.  This was tragic, because it meant that I was waddling around with ankles the size of ... Fat Bastard.  Still growing the baby.

Cheeseburger arrived!  And Cheeseburger was a boy, and we named him John, and call him Jack.  Oh, happy day.

Jack, Durel, and I got to know one another.

Still getting to know one another.  Loving every minute of it.

I returned to work and Jack started school!  I was introduced to an entire group of people who love my baby in abundance.  So awesome.

The first ever Photo Shoot Friday.  It started as "Pearl Snap Friday," truth be told.
Maren, Gabe, Jack, Mac, and Eli round out the circle here.

The Rosewood Oaks Gang kicked their activities up a notch.  In case I never blogged this, here's the Independence Day version of Photo Shoot Friday.

Jack, Emma, Gabe, and Jazmin show their patriotic sides.  And their sitting up skills.
August was the month that she introduced Jack to the beach!  We visited South Padre Island with Grammy and Granddad Davies.  Awesomeness.  Jack got to fly the plane visit the cockpit on the trip down.

The major cuteness continued into the fall.  September ushered in a series of ear infections that would result in tubes in December.  The up side?  Jack finds the paper in the doctor's office to be quite a treat.

Happy fall, y'all!

Happy dude.  Happy family.

I promise, Christmas pictures are coming!  Uncle James took most of the ones that are sure to dazzle.  In the mean time, I will say that this month has seen Jack's "real food" intake skyrocket!  He likes all sort of things, and we're trying new things all the time!  Here's to raising our happy, foodie baby in a healthy way!

From Durel, Jack, and I, thanks for following our adventures in 2010.  We look forward to sharing more in 2011!


I've Been Holding Out

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is the Good Santa Picture.  As in, the "I know I think he's awesome because he's my baby, but isn't this amazing?" picture.

And with that said, there are 3 shopping days left until Christmas.

Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me.

Self-Indulgent Flashback

Friday, December 17, 2010

A little over a year ago:

Yeah, life is good.  Have a good weekend.


He's All Boy

Monday, December 13, 2010

This weekend, Durel and Jack took a guy's shopping trip to procure some holiday decorations.  While out and about, Jack decided to show off his hand-eye coordination, cuteness, and manliness.  His prop of choice?  A plastic shovel.

Ooh, what is this?  This is cool.

I have shovel!  I rock!

(giggling because it's so awesome)
Hope this finds you well.  Happy Monday!


Christmas Shopping with a Little Dude

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Up until now, Jack's shopping excursions have involved him, in his carseat, in the shopping cart.  I've even posted pictures of it.

I always wondered when Jack would be ready to ride in the shopping cart like a "big kid."

Well, guess what?

Happy Christmas shopping to you all, and to all a good night.


Jack's 9 Month Update

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yesterday, Jack and I took a little field trip to the pediatrician.  I told the teachers at school that we were going for S-H-O-T-S.  I'm not really sure why I decided that I needed to spell it out, but it's probably a good habit to get into?

The checkup went great.  Here are the deets:

How big is the baby?:  Jack is 18 pounds, 11 ounces.  He's 29 inches long.  He's right on track with length, but could eat a bit more.  We are entering the "try everything" phase!  (Which is also known as the "hose down the kitchen afterward" phase...)

Teeth:  One bottom tooth is in full effect.  In fact, Jack has a habit of pulling off his socks in the car on the way to school and chewing on them.  This week, I found that one sock had a suspiciously "tooth-sized" hole in it when we got to school!

Food:  Purees are becoming passe.  Yogurt still rocks, but we're about to blow Jack's mind with all of the fun things to try!  We started with scrambled eggs last night.  He wasn't thrilled about anything, following those
S-H-O-T-S, but we did pretty well.

Crawling:  Yes, and fast.  He's everywhere.  That is all.

Sleep:  Yes, and well.  Thank goodness.  That is all.

Words:  There's been a lot of babbling lately, but last night, I heard "dada" loud and clear.  I'm calling it!  Dada is his first word!

Dogs:  Lucy is Jack's Bestest Doggie Friend.  She likes to lick him.  He likes to crawl to her.  They are buds. Pablo is also Jack's Doggie Friend; however, true to Pablo's personality, he's a bit more aloof.

Friends:  Jack has a regular posse at school.  They include:  Gabe, Linley, Jazmin, Mac, Eli, Emma, Lucy, Mason, Liberty, and Aksel.  The Rosewood Oaks Gang!

Jack is 9 months old and all is well.  Hope all is well with you, too!


Santa, Baby...Slip a Little Something Under the Tree, for Jack

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tis the season!  I'm thrilled to say that I am, as of today, 99% finished with my Christmas shopping.  I started early and finished early.  Suffice it to say, visions of baby meltdowns at the mall kept me motivated and organized.

Jack won't be getting a huge present "from Santa" this year.  Do you know why?  Because he's nine months old and he doesn't know what Santa is or what presents are.  New things to play with are cool.  Yesterday, that was a Tupperware container.  I have decided to invoke Santa next year, when he will be sentient enough to know, hope, expect, and to maybe even leave out cookies and milk before he goes to bed.

photo credit

I am not the Grinch; we do have a few excellent presents for Jack.  However, we have not gone overboard.

Speaking of going overboard, I just had to share a few gems that I found.  Even when Santa does start coming to our house with presents, you can be sure that he won't be stopping by with these things:

For your favorite non-walker?  Burberry baby booties, available here.
It's called a scallywag sloop, and you can buy one here.

Yup, it's a BMW.  Click here to add this to your family's fleet.

His name is Jerry the Giraffe, and you can buy him here.

Eggnog and Baby Beemers,

Wordless Wednesday: Granddad

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Science, Nature, and Us

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend was lovely in Austin.  It's turned chilly, but the days are still pretty sunny and warm.

On Saturday, we decided to get some fresh air and enjoy some free Austin fun.  We went to the Austin Science and Nature Center.  It's in Zilker Park, and hosts an interesting array of rescued wildlife, including a coyote named Martha, a "descented" (but still kind of stinky) skunk, and a bobcat named Conan.

We got some great family pictures while we were there.

Is that what skunks smell like, Dad?
We are a fleece-wearing family.  Yes, we are.

We also enjoyed the "dinosaur skeleton" on display, though it makes the guys look a little bit like they're doing hard time.  Not hard time.  Fun time!

Hope this finds you well,

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Thanksgiving Greetings from Chef Jack

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jack, Durel and I all hope your Thanksgiving was delightful.  Ours was.

And, in related good news, it looks like we have another burgeoning foodie in our midst!

Hope this finds you well.

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More doggie love.

Toys, Toys, Toys

So, when your baby is tiny and immobile, you get used to it.  In the beginning, you can swaddle them and lay them down wherever you want.  They won't move.  (Far from meaning that this is easy to take care of them at this point, it's quite hard.  FYI.)

Flashback:  One month old in the beloved bouncy chair.  Not moving, by the way.

Then, you reach the point where they start to roll around.  This is pretty easy to deal with.  You've had months to prepare.  You need to be more careful where you put them, but you can be sure that there will be no fingers in sockets.  You can't reach those just by rolling.  So, keeping the baby in the room with you is safe.  Just keep an eye out.

Flashback:  7 months old.  Sitting, rolling, thumb sucking.

Jack has introduced us to the Wild World of Crawling.  I promise to post some action pics when he gets really good at it, but right now he's doing something that we've nicknamed the Zombie Crawl.  He lays on the floor and uses one arm to pull himself forward.  Legs aren't doing much; other arm isn't doing much.  I give him points for creativity and sheer determination.  And mobility.

Today, Jack showed me that he (1) knows where we keep the toys, and (2) wanted a different one than he currently had in his floorscape.

Mom, I want a new toy.

Are you going to help me, or take pictures?

Yes!  Doggie!  (Thanks, Carrie!)
I did it!

Yup.  Time flies when you're having fun.

Hope this finds you well.


Jack Meets Santa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nope.  It's not here.  What, you say?  Jack's first picture with Santa.  We'll be debuting that later.

For now, let me say that Jack had the pleasure of meeting Santa for the first time last week at the Junior League of Austin's annual event, A Christmas Affair.  As a member of the Junior League, I have to give the appropriate props to this group of women.  They create a little piece of holiday heaven in Austin every year.  It's stunning.  It's also a huge fundraiser so that the group can do their charitable work around Austin, which is important and significant.  (Stepping off soapbox.)

One of the events this year was a "Breakfast with Santa."  There was breakfast, coffee (for the grown ups), a chocolate milk bar (with whipped cream and sprinkles!), The Biscuit Brothers performed, and Santa was there for photos with the kiddos.  It was totally awesome.

Jack and his buddy, Claire, totally enjoyed it.  I am entertained by the fact that Jack is merrily chewing on my friend Katie's lens cap, and that she doesn't seem to mind.

Hope this finds you, and your little elves, well.


Bob, Jillian, and Jack

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I haven't hung out with Bob and Jillian, oh, ever.  But I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser and am totally into this season.  (I didn't discover it until last season, when I was a pregnant beached whale.  Still inspiring.)

So, while I don't have the opportunity to have Bob and Jillian yell at me on the treadmill, I do have the opportunity to have my "other" personal trainer give me tough face while I run.

Hope this finds you well.

Teeth and Berries

Growing teeth is hard work.

Frozen blueberries make it better.

At least, that's what Jack says:

Happy Friday!

Friday, November 19, 2010

A few Fridays ago, our dear friends Jess, Juan, and Ava agreed to take care of Little Dude so that Durel and I could enjoy a real adult dinner out to celebrate my birthday.  It was totally awesome of them!

We had an amazing meal at a new(ish) restaurant called Foreign and Domestic Food and Drink.  It has the ambiance of Manhattan and Austin combined.  And culinarily (is that a word?  food-wise), it's like being on an episode of Top Chef.  Awesome.

Anyway, while Durel and I were engaging our palettes, Jack and Ava were chilling out, big time.

In the future, we won't let Jack take his pants off when he's on the couch with a girl, but for now, it's fine.

Happy weekend to all.

Two Word Wednesday

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dog Love.

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: The Year in Review

I'm a big fan of lists.  I am also a big fan of "recaps," as in the multitudes of "year in review" shows that will be on this weekend.  I really do want to know the biggest celebrity scandals of 2010, the best songs of 2010, and the biggest news stories of 2010.  In particular, I'd like to know this year because I spent a lot of 2010 either on bedrest or in "new baby land," where news doesn't always make it through the sleep-deprived haze.

In honor of how I will be spending this weekend, here's our own Geauxbaby 2010: Year in Review.

After going into pre-term labor in mid-December 2009, I was on bed rest in January 2010.  For those of you who remember, bless you for visiting me.  For those of you who didn't know me then or don't remember, bed rest consisted of me, parked in my awesome leather recliner in the living room (courtesy of the best husband ever), with the remotes, my laptop, my Blackberry, and an omnipresent cup of decaf tea.

I was pretty productive on bed rest:  I read five novels, started this blog, watched an obscene amount of TV, napped a lot, emailed a lot, and scoured the interwebs for (1) information about my baby; (2) items for baby's nursery; (3) things to amuse me.  Still growing the baby.

I went back to work part-time.  This was great, because it meant I got out of the house.  This was tragic, because it meant that I was waddling around with ankles the size of ... Fat Bastard.  Still growing the baby.

Cheeseburger arrived!  And Cheeseburger was a boy, and we named him John, and call him Jack.  Oh, happy day.

Jack, Durel, and I got to know one another.

Still getting to know one another.  Loving every minute of it.

I returned to work and Jack started school!  I was introduced to an entire group of people who love my baby in abundance.  So awesome.

The first ever Photo Shoot Friday.  It started as "Pearl Snap Friday," truth be told.
Maren, Gabe, Jack, Mac, and Eli round out the circle here.

The Rosewood Oaks Gang kicked their activities up a notch.  In case I never blogged this, here's the Independence Day version of Photo Shoot Friday.

Jack, Emma, Gabe, and Jazmin show their patriotic sides.  And their sitting up skills.
August was the month that she introduced Jack to the beach!  We visited South Padre Island with Grammy and Granddad Davies.  Awesomeness.  Jack got to fly the plane visit the cockpit on the trip down.

The major cuteness continued into the fall.  September ushered in a series of ear infections that would result in tubes in December.  The up side?  Jack finds the paper in the doctor's office to be quite a treat.

Happy fall, y'all!

Happy dude.  Happy family.

I promise, Christmas pictures are coming!  Uncle James took most of the ones that are sure to dazzle.  In the mean time, I will say that this month has seen Jack's "real food" intake skyrocket!  He likes all sort of things, and we're trying new things all the time!  Here's to raising our happy, foodie baby in a healthy way!

From Durel, Jack, and I, thanks for following our adventures in 2010.  We look forward to sharing more in 2011!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I've Been Holding Out

This is the Good Santa Picture.  As in, the "I know I think he's awesome because he's my baby, but isn't this amazing?" picture.

And with that said, there are 3 shopping days left until Christmas.

Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Self-Indulgent Flashback

A little over a year ago:

Yeah, life is good.  Have a good weekend.


Monday, December 13, 2010

He's All Boy

This weekend, Durel and Jack took a guy's shopping trip to procure some holiday decorations.  While out and about, Jack decided to show off his hand-eye coordination, cuteness, and manliness.  His prop of choice?  A plastic shovel.

Ooh, what is this?  This is cool.

I have shovel!  I rock!

(giggling because it's so awesome)
Hope this finds you well.  Happy Monday!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Shopping with a Little Dude

Up until now, Jack's shopping excursions have involved him, in his carseat, in the shopping cart.  I've even posted pictures of it.

I always wondered when Jack would be ready to ride in the shopping cart like a "big kid."

Well, guess what?

Happy Christmas shopping to you all, and to all a good night.


Friday, December 10, 2010

Jack's 9 Month Update

Yesterday, Jack and I took a little field trip to the pediatrician.  I told the teachers at school that we were going for S-H-O-T-S.  I'm not really sure why I decided that I needed to spell it out, but it's probably a good habit to get into?

The checkup went great.  Here are the deets:

How big is the baby?:  Jack is 18 pounds, 11 ounces.  He's 29 inches long.  He's right on track with length, but could eat a bit more.  We are entering the "try everything" phase!  (Which is also known as the "hose down the kitchen afterward" phase...)

Teeth:  One bottom tooth is in full effect.  In fact, Jack has a habit of pulling off his socks in the car on the way to school and chewing on them.  This week, I found that one sock had a suspiciously "tooth-sized" hole in it when we got to school!

Food:  Purees are becoming passe.  Yogurt still rocks, but we're about to blow Jack's mind with all of the fun things to try!  We started with scrambled eggs last night.  He wasn't thrilled about anything, following those
S-H-O-T-S, but we did pretty well.

Crawling:  Yes, and fast.  He's everywhere.  That is all.

Sleep:  Yes, and well.  Thank goodness.  That is all.

Words:  There's been a lot of babbling lately, but last night, I heard "dada" loud and clear.  I'm calling it!  Dada is his first word!

Dogs:  Lucy is Jack's Bestest Doggie Friend.  She likes to lick him.  He likes to crawl to her.  They are buds. Pablo is also Jack's Doggie Friend; however, true to Pablo's personality, he's a bit more aloof.

Friends:  Jack has a regular posse at school.  They include:  Gabe, Linley, Jazmin, Mac, Eli, Emma, Lucy, Mason, Liberty, and Aksel.  The Rosewood Oaks Gang!

Jack is 9 months old and all is well.  Hope all is well with you, too!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Santa, Baby...Slip a Little Something Under the Tree, for Jack

Tis the season!  I'm thrilled to say that I am, as of today, 99% finished with my Christmas shopping.  I started early and finished early.  Suffice it to say, visions of baby meltdowns at the mall kept me motivated and organized.

Jack won't be getting a huge present "from Santa" this year.  Do you know why?  Because he's nine months old and he doesn't know what Santa is or what presents are.  New things to play with are cool.  Yesterday, that was a Tupperware container.  I have decided to invoke Santa next year, when he will be sentient enough to know, hope, expect, and to maybe even leave out cookies and milk before he goes to bed.

photo credit

I am not the Grinch; we do have a few excellent presents for Jack.  However, we have not gone overboard.

Speaking of going overboard, I just had to share a few gems that I found.  Even when Santa does start coming to our house with presents, you can be sure that he won't be stopping by with these things:

For your favorite non-walker?  Burberry baby booties, available here.
It's called a scallywag sloop, and you can buy one here.

Yup, it's a BMW.  Click here to add this to your family's fleet.

His name is Jerry the Giraffe, and you can buy him here.

Eggnog and Baby Beemers,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Science, Nature, and Us

Thanksgiving weekend was lovely in Austin.  It's turned chilly, but the days are still pretty sunny and warm.

On Saturday, we decided to get some fresh air and enjoy some free Austin fun.  We went to the Austin Science and Nature Center.  It's in Zilker Park, and hosts an interesting array of rescued wildlife, including a coyote named Martha, a "descented" (but still kind of stinky) skunk, and a bobcat named Conan.

We got some great family pictures while we were there.

Is that what skunks smell like, Dad?
We are a fleece-wearing family.  Yes, we are.

We also enjoyed the "dinosaur skeleton" on display, though it makes the guys look a little bit like they're doing hard time.  Not hard time.  Fun time!

Hope this finds you well,

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Greetings from Chef Jack

Jack, Durel and I all hope your Thanksgiving was delightful.  Ours was.

And, in related good news, it looks like we have another burgeoning foodie in our midst!

Hope this finds you well.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

More doggie love.

Toys, Toys, Toys

So, when your baby is tiny and immobile, you get used to it.  In the beginning, you can swaddle them and lay them down wherever you want.  They won't move.  (Far from meaning that this is easy to take care of them at this point, it's quite hard.  FYI.)

Flashback:  One month old in the beloved bouncy chair.  Not moving, by the way.

Then, you reach the point where they start to roll around.  This is pretty easy to deal with.  You've had months to prepare.  You need to be more careful where you put them, but you can be sure that there will be no fingers in sockets.  You can't reach those just by rolling.  So, keeping the baby in the room with you is safe.  Just keep an eye out.

Flashback:  7 months old.  Sitting, rolling, thumb sucking.

Jack has introduced us to the Wild World of Crawling.  I promise to post some action pics when he gets really good at it, but right now he's doing something that we've nicknamed the Zombie Crawl.  He lays on the floor and uses one arm to pull himself forward.  Legs aren't doing much; other arm isn't doing much.  I give him points for creativity and sheer determination.  And mobility.

Today, Jack showed me that he (1) knows where we keep the toys, and (2) wanted a different one than he currently had in his floorscape.

Mom, I want a new toy.

Are you going to help me, or take pictures?

Yes!  Doggie!  (Thanks, Carrie!)
I did it!

Yup.  Time flies when you're having fun.

Hope this finds you well.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jack Meets Santa

Nope.  It's not here.  What, you say?  Jack's first picture with Santa.  We'll be debuting that later.

For now, let me say that Jack had the pleasure of meeting Santa for the first time last week at the Junior League of Austin's annual event, A Christmas Affair.  As a member of the Junior League, I have to give the appropriate props to this group of women.  They create a little piece of holiday heaven in Austin every year.  It's stunning.  It's also a huge fundraiser so that the group can do their charitable work around Austin, which is important and significant.  (Stepping off soapbox.)

One of the events this year was a "Breakfast with Santa."  There was breakfast, coffee (for the grown ups), a chocolate milk bar (with whipped cream and sprinkles!), The Biscuit Brothers performed, and Santa was there for photos with the kiddos.  It was totally awesome.

Jack and his buddy, Claire, totally enjoyed it.  I am entertained by the fact that Jack is merrily chewing on my friend Katie's lens cap, and that she doesn't seem to mind.

Hope this finds you, and your little elves, well.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bob, Jillian, and Jack

I haven't hung out with Bob and Jillian, oh, ever.  But I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser and am totally into this season.  (I didn't discover it until last season, when I was a pregnant beached whale.  Still inspiring.)

So, while I don't have the opportunity to have Bob and Jillian yell at me on the treadmill, I do have the opportunity to have my "other" personal trainer give me tough face while I run.

Hope this finds you well.

Teeth and Berries

Growing teeth is hard work.

Frozen blueberries make it better.

At least, that's what Jack says:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Friday!

A few Fridays ago, our dear friends Jess, Juan, and Ava agreed to take care of Little Dude so that Durel and I could enjoy a real adult dinner out to celebrate my birthday.  It was totally awesome of them!

We had an amazing meal at a new(ish) restaurant called Foreign and Domestic Food and Drink.  It has the ambiance of Manhattan and Austin combined.  And culinarily (is that a word?  food-wise), it's like being on an episode of Top Chef.  Awesome.

Anyway, while Durel and I were engaging our palettes, Jack and Ava were chilling out, big time.

In the future, we won't let Jack take his pants off when he's on the couch with a girl, but for now, it's fine.

Happy weekend to all.
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