
...and, we're back!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Jack is more excited about this than he looks.  Promise.

A blogging break is a lot like a good nap.  

You think you need it.  You decide to do it.  And when you wake up, you realize how awesome it was.

I've missed you.  I hope the feelings are mutual.  (Ahem.)

Talk to you soon,

Spring Break

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Grown ups don't really get spring break.  That's a bummer.  

But, you know what?  You can kind of take one, if you want.

I'm going to take a wee break from blogging, here and here.  Just a week or so.

In the meantime, Pablo and Lucy remind you to get out there and enjoy the sunshine.

Hope there is spring in your step today,


Monday, April 30, 2012

...and, we're back!

Jack is more excited about this than he looks.  Promise.

A blogging break is a lot like a good nap.  

You think you need it.  You decide to do it.  And when you wake up, you realize how awesome it was.

I've missed you.  I hope the feelings are mutual.  (Ahem.)

Talk to you soon,

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break

Grown ups don't really get spring break.  That's a bummer.  

But, you know what?  You can kind of take one, if you want.

I'm going to take a wee break from blogging, here and here.  Just a week or so.

In the meantime, Pablo and Lucy remind you to get out there and enjoy the sunshine.

Hope there is spring in your step today,

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