
Woah, dude.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sawyer turned two months old yesterday!  He's great.  Completely and utterly great.

And no, he's not going to Yoko Ono this blog.  He would never do that.

For Jack, life is currently about two things:  Star Wars and Sawyer.  When Sawyer thoughtfully surprised Jack with this shirt as a gift for being such a great big brother, the synthesis of these two great things was mind-blowing.

This moment rocks so hard, I can't even put my arms down.

Jack has also been picking out his own outfits and having a serious blast at school, especially on popsicle day.

For Sawyer, life is about eating and sleeping and GROWING.

Before, he had one chin:

Put down the camera.  I am busy growing more chins.
I am dreaming of additional chins that I might like to have some day.

Other than that, I've observed a few things about motherhood the second time around.  You are less worried about every little thing.  You are more inclined to throw the onesie away in the event of a four star blowout.  You are just as carried away by love.

Hope you get carried somewhere today.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Woah, dude.

Sawyer turned two months old yesterday!  He's great.  Completely and utterly great.

And no, he's not going to Yoko Ono this blog.  He would never do that.

For Jack, life is currently about two things:  Star Wars and Sawyer.  When Sawyer thoughtfully surprised Jack with this shirt as a gift for being such a great big brother, the synthesis of these two great things was mind-blowing.

This moment rocks so hard, I can't even put my arms down.

Jack has also been picking out his own outfits and having a serious blast at school, especially on popsicle day.

For Sawyer, life is about eating and sleeping and GROWING.

Before, he had one chin:

Put down the camera.  I am busy growing more chins.
I am dreaming of additional chins that I might like to have some day.

Other than that, I've observed a few things about motherhood the second time around.  You are less worried about every little thing.  You are more inclined to throw the onesie away in the event of a four star blowout.  You are just as carried away by love.

Hope you get carried somewhere today.

Talk soon,
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