Once upon a time, a long long, time ago, my family played Pictionary.
It was new then. We were excited. The Davies family is a creative lot -- skewing toward the nerdy side, even. And we LOVE to get our board game on.
The time came for my beloved Dad to draw. His word was "stewardess." (Again, this was a while ago. People still totally used that word. Pre-PC.) He drew an airplane. He tapped on it.
We guessed everything we could think of related to planes and flight. We didn't, however, go inside the plane with our guesses.
Dad grew frustrated. He continued tapping on his pencil-drawn 747.
We kept guessing. In retrospect, we weren't that smart, because how many flight-related words do we really know? And we STILL didn't guess stewardess?
We didn't get it. The timer ran out.
That was the first and last time Dad ever played Pictionary. We told him that we're glad his brain works differently than ours. Business school and all that. What would we do without him?
* * * * * * * *
In some ways, raising a 3 1/2 year old is a lot like playing Pictionary with my Dad. If you don't know what they're talking about, it's really up to you to get creative and figure it out. They are going to TAP that picture until you do.
Last night, Jack asked me on the way home if he could watch "the Michael movie." I wracked my brain. There are no characters named Michael on any of his favorite shows or movies. I told him that I didn't know what he meant.
"Momma, I want to watch the Michael movie!" (TAP TAP)
"But, Jack, I don't know what that is."
"Ok. If you can show it to me or find it, we'll see if you can watch it."
When we got home, Jack efficiently went through the drawer containing his DVDs and proudly pulled out the Michael movie.
It is called An American Tale.
Michael = Fivel.
Movie night was, of course, a great success. (And wouldn't have been complete without a shout out to Uncle Dustin and Aunt Geri, who are fond of that movie and their nephew.)
Hope your streets ARE filled with cheese today. Because that would be awesome.
Talk soon,