
daddy story day

Friday, February 8, 2013

Today, Jack's school had a "daddy story day."  Fathers were encouraged to sign up for a time to come and read a story to the class.

Durel, of course, was on it.  As I knew he would be, because he's awesome like that.

From Durel's storytime visit came this photo.  He won't like me sharing it, but it's too rich not to.

Feast your eyes on the awesomeness.

D's yellow shirt is courtesy of Microsoft, creators of Windows 8 and brightly colored garb.
I am pleased to see that Jack's classmates were comfortable enough to achieve full lounging position during his book, and also that some of them were completely entranced.

I find him pretty fascinating, too.

Hope you get some quality storytime in today.

Talk soon,


Friday, February 8, 2013

daddy story day

Today, Jack's school had a "daddy story day."  Fathers were encouraged to sign up for a time to come and read a story to the class.

Durel, of course, was on it.  As I knew he would be, because he's awesome like that.

From Durel's storytime visit came this photo.  He won't like me sharing it, but it's too rich not to.

Feast your eyes on the awesomeness.

D's yellow shirt is courtesy of Microsoft, creators of Windows 8 and brightly colored garb.
I am pleased to see that Jack's classmates were comfortable enough to achieve full lounging position during his book, and also that some of them were completely entranced.

I find him pretty fascinating, too.

Hope you get some quality storytime in today.

Talk soon,
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