
mimjas and windows 8

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We've already discussed that Jack believes his parents' occupations are mimja and lawyer.  And Durel and I are good with that.

As it turns out, mimjas have really cool offices that look a lot like Microsoft stores.


Also, when you visit this astounding place, you can "play art" (Jack's favorite pastime) on the computer.

You can also show the world that Windows 8 is pretty intuitive, actually.  And you can get *that song* stuck in Momma's head for the rest of the day.

It's good to have Windows 8.  And tats.  And crazy hair.  And a mimja for a Daddy.  Heck, it's good to be Jack.

Hope it's good to be you today.

Talk soon,

the basics

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I've read a lot lately about how we're all overextended.  

We check Facebook too much.  We read too many blogs.  We check email too much.

I'm certainly guilty of that.  (Ask Durel.  No, don't.  Just take my word for it.)

The articles all basically say the same things:
  • Stop social media'ing yourself to death.  (Sigh.  I can't quit Instagram.  But does that mean I have to quit Twitter?  I am all bunched up about this one.)
  • Breathe more. (Trying.)
  • Sleep more.  (OK.)
  • Read more.  (And not Us Weekly, I presume.  I'll get on it.)
  • Eat well.  (Working on it, but we eat pretty well.)
  • Exercise. (On it.)
  • Be with the people that you love.  (Like, actually with them.  Not checking Facebook on your phone while you're sitting next to them.)  (Ooh, yup.  OK.)
Burn, huh?  It's true because it's true.

So then, Jack and I went out to lunch.  And I paid attention.  And do you know what I learned?

The kid loves bread, man.

Oh, and he's really fun to have lunch with.  That's not news, but it's always fun to contemplate.

Hope you learn something by being present today.

Talk soon,

ready, steady, go!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Hope your weekend is full of sweatpants, tousled hair, and doing things you like to do.

Talk soon,

grey days and tea

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's cold in Austin right now.  And windy.  And grey.

Everyone is freaking out.  They much prefer when it's 100+ for weeks on end and blindingly sunny.

I think it depends on what you're used to.  I like cold, grey days because I get to wear sweaters.  I have hung onto my sweater wardrobe with unexpected tenacity, even though we've been back in Texas for ... almost 8 years.  (Cashmere never goes out of style, dahling.)

I also like any excuse to drink a big cup of Earl Grey.

On the flip side, when it's 100+, I get to wear flip flops.  And I also like any excuse to drink a frozen margarita.

I'm breezy.

Anyway, here's what we've been up to during this cold, grey month.

(1) A most awesome time at the Austin Children's Museum; (2) Pablo on our bed, something which almost never happened and is always very much appreciated; (3) Posing with crazy hair; (4) Sushi lunch with a bestie.
Hope you have a nice cuppa today.

Talk soon,

Type A

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

They say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  

I never took any time to think about that.  (Because analyzing idioms doesn't usually fit into my workday.)

It's supposed to mean that children are like their parents.  If it meant that you don't move far away from your parents, then I'd still live in Kent County.  And I don't.  (It's lovely, though.)

Being Type A does usually fit into my workday, though.  It's part of who I am and part of who I've been trained to be, after spending three years in law school and (counting in my head) about six years practicing law.  (Wow!)  You spend a lot of time in law school being groomed for total obsessive compulsiveness.  Then you spend a lot of time arguing about justice and stuff at the bar.

I won't be sad if Jack is an attorney when he grows up.  But, I will encourage him to be creative.  To explore his options.  To measure success in terms of happiness and good done in the world, not cases won and settlements reached.  (In my current world, I get to measure success that way too, in large part, and that's awesome.)

I've had a few insights into the mind that I'll be encouraging lately.  And I think, in this case, the apple may not have fallen too far from the Type A tree.

I will line up all my Lightning McQueens and Maters, in order of size.  In a straight line.
Hope everything you like is lined up in perfectly straight lines today.

Talk soon,

Christmas recap

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

These days, when we come home from work and school, Jack enters the house and looks around.  He doesn't see the Christmas trees anymore.

And then, he proclaims, "Christmas is OVER!"

And I tell him he's right, and that Christmas will come again next year.  (It's really this year, but yeah.  Go with me on this.)  And I tell him that Santa will come again and bring him presents.  And that we will have Christmas trees and lights outside and our Advent calendar.

Yes, I tell him.  We will have all of these things.  Next Christmas.  And it will be awesome.

For now, I remind him, it's January.  And that's when we do new things, because it's a new year.

He mulls this over.  He seems pretty okay with it.

So, rather than post five times with eighteen thousand pictures of Christmas, I will say that our Christmas this year was memorable.  Jack enjoyed every second.  And the highlights, well, here they are.

I hope you remember the highlights of this Christmas fondly, too.

Talk soon,


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Woah, dude.  That 2012 was something, wasn't it?

We are still emerging from our holiday state of mind to re-enter the real world.

Suffice it to say, our Christmas was filled with family and laughter and deep gratitude for all of our blessings.  Which included the sheer ability to be together, in the same room, in front of the same fire.

Pictures, more pictures, and even more pictures to come.

For now, though, let's kick off this year with some footie pajama-styled glee.

Hope your cup runneth over this year.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

mimjas and windows 8

We've already discussed that Jack believes his parents' occupations are mimja and lawyer.  And Durel and I are good with that.

As it turns out, mimjas have really cool offices that look a lot like Microsoft stores.


Also, when you visit this astounding place, you can "play art" (Jack's favorite pastime) on the computer.

You can also show the world that Windows 8 is pretty intuitive, actually.  And you can get *that song* stuck in Momma's head for the rest of the day.

It's good to have Windows 8.  And tats.  And crazy hair.  And a mimja for a Daddy.  Heck, it's good to be Jack.

Hope it's good to be you today.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the basics

I've read a lot lately about how we're all overextended.  

We check Facebook too much.  We read too many blogs.  We check email too much.

I'm certainly guilty of that.  (Ask Durel.  No, don't.  Just take my word for it.)

The articles all basically say the same things:
  • Stop social media'ing yourself to death.  (Sigh.  I can't quit Instagram.  But does that mean I have to quit Twitter?  I am all bunched up about this one.)
  • Breathe more. (Trying.)
  • Sleep more.  (OK.)
  • Read more.  (And not Us Weekly, I presume.  I'll get on it.)
  • Eat well.  (Working on it, but we eat pretty well.)
  • Exercise. (On it.)
  • Be with the people that you love.  (Like, actually with them.  Not checking Facebook on your phone while you're sitting next to them.)  (Ooh, yup.  OK.)
Burn, huh?  It's true because it's true.

So then, Jack and I went out to lunch.  And I paid attention.  And do you know what I learned?

The kid loves bread, man.

Oh, and he's really fun to have lunch with.  That's not news, but it's always fun to contemplate.

Hope you learn something by being present today.

Talk soon,

Friday, January 18, 2013

ready, steady, go!

Hope your weekend is full of sweatpants, tousled hair, and doing things you like to do.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

grey days and tea

It's cold in Austin right now.  And windy.  And grey.

Everyone is freaking out.  They much prefer when it's 100+ for weeks on end and blindingly sunny.

I think it depends on what you're used to.  I like cold, grey days because I get to wear sweaters.  I have hung onto my sweater wardrobe with unexpected tenacity, even though we've been back in Texas for ... almost 8 years.  (Cashmere never goes out of style, dahling.)

I also like any excuse to drink a big cup of Earl Grey.

On the flip side, when it's 100+, I get to wear flip flops.  And I also like any excuse to drink a frozen margarita.

I'm breezy.

Anyway, here's what we've been up to during this cold, grey month.

(1) A most awesome time at the Austin Children's Museum; (2) Pablo on our bed, something which almost never happened and is always very much appreciated; (3) Posing with crazy hair; (4) Sushi lunch with a bestie.
Hope you have a nice cuppa today.

Talk soon,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Type A

They say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  

I never took any time to think about that.  (Because analyzing idioms doesn't usually fit into my workday.)

It's supposed to mean that children are like their parents.  If it meant that you don't move far away from your parents, then I'd still live in Kent County.  And I don't.  (It's lovely, though.)

Being Type A does usually fit into my workday, though.  It's part of who I am and part of who I've been trained to be, after spending three years in law school and (counting in my head) about six years practicing law.  (Wow!)  You spend a lot of time in law school being groomed for total obsessive compulsiveness.  Then you spend a lot of time arguing about justice and stuff at the bar.

I won't be sad if Jack is an attorney when he grows up.  But, I will encourage him to be creative.  To explore his options.  To measure success in terms of happiness and good done in the world, not cases won and settlements reached.  (In my current world, I get to measure success that way too, in large part, and that's awesome.)

I've had a few insights into the mind that I'll be encouraging lately.  And I think, in this case, the apple may not have fallen too far from the Type A tree.

I will line up all my Lightning McQueens and Maters, in order of size.  In a straight line.
Hope everything you like is lined up in perfectly straight lines today.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas recap

These days, when we come home from work and school, Jack enters the house and looks around.  He doesn't see the Christmas trees anymore.

And then, he proclaims, "Christmas is OVER!"

And I tell him he's right, and that Christmas will come again next year.  (It's really this year, but yeah.  Go with me on this.)  And I tell him that Santa will come again and bring him presents.  And that we will have Christmas trees and lights outside and our Advent calendar.

Yes, I tell him.  We will have all of these things.  Next Christmas.  And it will be awesome.

For now, I remind him, it's January.  And that's when we do new things, because it's a new year.

He mulls this over.  He seems pretty okay with it.

So, rather than post five times with eighteen thousand pictures of Christmas, I will say that our Christmas this year was memorable.  Jack enjoyed every second.  And the highlights, well, here they are.

I hope you remember the highlights of this Christmas fondly, too.

Talk soon,

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Woah, dude.  That 2012 was something, wasn't it?

We are still emerging from our holiday state of mind to re-enter the real world.

Suffice it to say, our Christmas was filled with family and laughter and deep gratitude for all of our blessings.  Which included the sheer ability to be together, in the same room, in front of the same fire.

Pictures, more pictures, and even more pictures to come.

For now, though, let's kick off this year with some footie pajama-styled glee.

Hope your cup runneth over this year.

Talk soon,
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