
Flashback: Crazy Christmas Faces

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This blog post has been languishing in my "draft" folder for far too long!  So, for today it will serve as a little flashback to Christmas 2010.

My family all gathered in Texas for Christmas last year, which is a monumental event.  We sat down to a fabulous holiday dinner together.  At this dinner, Eli and Jack had some fun taking pictures on either side of a glass door.

And with that, Jack learned how much fun windows and doors are, and just what faces can do.

I am not going to lie.  This cute little munchkin of just a few months ago is so different than our little toddler dude!  It makes my heart hurt a little bit.  Why does no one tell you that parenthood makes your heart ache with a strange mixture of happiness and bittersweet nostalgia?

Le sigh.

Hope this finds you well,


  1. Well put about the heartache...that is exactly right.

  2. Yep... my heart aches on a daily basis.

    And I LOVE faces smooshed on glass doors!!

  3. Love that little squished face! This post made me think of how around that time I was waiting, waiting to be induced and now we have a 3-month old!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flashback: Crazy Christmas Faces

This blog post has been languishing in my "draft" folder for far too long!  So, for today it will serve as a little flashback to Christmas 2010.

My family all gathered in Texas for Christmas last year, which is a monumental event.  We sat down to a fabulous holiday dinner together.  At this dinner, Eli and Jack had some fun taking pictures on either side of a glass door.

And with that, Jack learned how much fun windows and doors are, and just what faces can do.

I am not going to lie.  This cute little munchkin of just a few months ago is so different than our little toddler dude!  It makes my heart hurt a little bit.  Why does no one tell you that parenthood makes your heart ache with a strange mixture of happiness and bittersweet nostalgia?

Le sigh.

Hope this finds you well,
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