
Flashback: Visit from Delaware!

Monday, January 10, 2011

When Aunt Jenny and Uncle James came to visit over the summer, a good time was had by all.  

Aunt Jenny loves Baby Jack!

Jenny sees something interesting to the left.  Jack sees a ceiling fan.

Did you see my helicopter suit, Aunt Jenny?

Durel enjoying watermelon at the Fredericksburg Crawfish Festival.
Summertime, and the livin is easy...

Mudbugs 101:  James and Durel suck the heads.

Happy times!

I am NOT ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.

Bad boys.  What you gonna do?

Visits from family are the best, aren't they?

Hope this finds you well.

Baby's First Christmas

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Santa suit + thumb = good stuff.

More pictures to come!

Hope this finds you well,

The Family That Eats Together...

The family that eats together, stays together.  At least, that's what Pablo has decided.

Pablo put two and two together last night.  As in, he realized that not all of the delicious food Jack is eating makes it to his mouth.  It does, however, make it to his high chair.

Carrots and saltines?  How delicious!

I definitely didn't stop him.  In my opinion, that's all good.  I'm not sure he could believe his luck, though.  When I approached him to take another picture of his after-dinner snack, he bolted.

Oh, crap.  I knew this was too good to be true.  I'd better get down.

More on the Chronicles of Pablo as they continue...

Hope this finds you well.
Heather (and Pablo)

Wordless Wednesday: Avocado

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Schatzi and the Wailers: Rock on, Baby

Monday, January 3, 2011

I took this picture over the Christmas holiday, while Ms. Schatzi from Albuquerque was staying with her cousins, Pablo and Lucy.  As you can see, Jack is entranced with his doggie friends being outside.

Durel saw this picture and said, "If the dogs had an album, this would be the cover."

Indeed.  You saw it here first -- the album cover for Schatzi and the Wailers' first release, Rock on, Baby.

Hope this finds you well.  And here's to a kick-ass 2011.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Flashback: Visit from Delaware!

When Aunt Jenny and Uncle James came to visit over the summer, a good time was had by all.  

Aunt Jenny loves Baby Jack!

Jenny sees something interesting to the left.  Jack sees a ceiling fan.

Did you see my helicopter suit, Aunt Jenny?

Durel enjoying watermelon at the Fredericksburg Crawfish Festival.
Summertime, and the livin is easy...

Mudbugs 101:  James and Durel suck the heads.

Happy times!

I am NOT ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.

Bad boys.  What you gonna do?

Visits from family are the best, aren't they?

Hope this finds you well.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

Santa suit + thumb = good stuff.

More pictures to come!

Hope this finds you well,

The Family That Eats Together...

The family that eats together, stays together.  At least, that's what Pablo has decided.

Pablo put two and two together last night.  As in, he realized that not all of the delicious food Jack is eating makes it to his mouth.  It does, however, make it to his high chair.

Carrots and saltines?  How delicious!

I definitely didn't stop him.  In my opinion, that's all good.  I'm not sure he could believe his luck, though.  When I approached him to take another picture of his after-dinner snack, he bolted.

Oh, crap.  I knew this was too good to be true.  I'd better get down.

More on the Chronicles of Pablo as they continue...

Hope this finds you well.
Heather (and Pablo)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Schatzi and the Wailers: Rock on, Baby

I took this picture over the Christmas holiday, while Ms. Schatzi from Albuquerque was staying with her cousins, Pablo and Lucy.  As you can see, Jack is entranced with his doggie friends being outside.

Durel saw this picture and said, "If the dogs had an album, this would be the cover."

Indeed.  You saw it here first -- the album cover for Schatzi and the Wailers' first release, Rock on, Baby.

Hope this finds you well.  And here's to a kick-ass 2011.
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